Sailor Moon: Generation Gap Mother's Day - Part 1: Remembrances by Scott Delahunt "Arimi-chan!" Hikaru cried. "Gin'no-chan!" Setsuna called. "Run! Get out of here!" "N-not until you and Hikaru-chan are s-safe," Arimi said. She kept her ground despite the force the shadow was pouring into the beam. "Arimi-chan, you have to leave," Hikaru pleaded. "N-not until after you and S-Sensei." Arimi turned her head with great effort. "G-go, p-please, Hikaru-chan. I d-don't know how much l-longer I c-can take th-this." "Sensei! Her forehead, it's glowing!" "Seishin'no-chan, transform!" Setsuna ordered. "But Arimi-chan - " "Arimi-chan has the sign of Draco. Now transform." Setsuna produced her transformation pen and held it high. "Pluto Planet Power . . . Make up!" Hikaru fumbled with her pen, then called, "Corona Star Power . . . Make up!" Arimi was too busy trying to withstand the shadow's attack to notice what happened behind her. She felt her knees go weak with exertion, but willed herself to keep standing. "Corona, distract the shadow," Pluto ordered. "I'll get Gin'no-chan." "Right." Corona stepped beside Arimi. "Majestic . . . Vitality!" Arimi saw a blue ball of energy zip towards the shadow creature. It dodged the ball, but it had to stop its attack on Arimi to do so. Arimi collapsed, but was caught by Sailor Pluto. "S-Sensei? I-is th-that you?" Arimi asked. "I am called Sailor Pluto in this form, Gin'no-chan. I have something for you." Pluto concentrated on her staff. The Garnet Orb glowed brightly, then a pen emerged and floated into Arimi's hand. "Hold this pen up," Pluto instructed, "then say 'Draco Star Power, Make up.' Understand?" "D-Draco S-Star P-Power . . . M-Make up!" Silver and gold energy washed over Arimi. Her school uniform magically disappeared, to be replaced by a white bodysuit. A short silver skirt appeared around her waist, and Arimi's shoes became knee-high silver boots. Long white gloves appeared on her hands, and a dark grey scarf formed on the back of her uniform. Two yellow bows appeared, one on her bodice, the other on the back of her skirt. As the energy curtain cleared, a long staff appeared in Arimi's hand. A dragon wound its way up the staff to a claw holding a silver orb. Sailor Draco looked at herself, amazed at the transformation. "Pluto-san, wh-who am I? Wh-what h-happened?" she asked. "You are Sailor Draco," Pluto explained. "You are, like Sailor Corona and myself, a Sailor Senshi. There is more, but we have other matters to settle first." "Hikaru-chan! I f-forgot about h-her." "She's doing fine, Draco, but she could use your help." "Wh-what do I do?" "You'll know. Trust me." Draco was dubious, but she joined Corona in her fight against the shadow. "It's too fast for me to hit," Corona said, puffing. "I don't know what to do." "We'll have to hit it at the same time, then, so that it doesn't have a chance to move." "Okay, A- er, Sailor Draco. Whenever you're ready." The two girls moved apart, waiting for the shadow to make a move. The shadow, seeing Draco, dove at her. Corona threw another Majestic Vitality, forcing the shadow to dodge. "Talon . . . Strike . . . " Draco said softly. Five silver rays lanced out from Draco's staff. The shadow dodged the first easily, barely avoided the second, was glanced by the third, and was hit solidly by the last two rays. It turned grey, then fell apart into dust. ~~~~ "That's how my mother became a Sailor Senshi?" "You sound surprised." "I never thought she could stand up like that to anyone." "No-one really did, not even the original Sailor Pluto. She thought of your mom originally as a mouse, even after she became Draco." "Mother was a mouse. She never stood up for herself. I can't see how anyone could be interested in her, let alone marry her." "Your father did." ~~~~ Arimi continued to her locker. To pass the time while waiting for Hikaru, she started leafing through her chemistry text. Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, Arimi looked up. Instead of Hikaru as she expected, the person approaching her was Inoue Eiji, a classmate. "I-I-Inoue-kun," Arimi said. "Hi, Gin'no-chan," Eiji answered. "I was wondering if I could ask you something." "S-sure. I-if you want m-my n-notes, I'll -" "It's not your notes, Arimi-chan," Eiji interrupted. "I've been trying to work myself up to ask this for a while now. I've noticed you since you first transferred here, but I couldn't bring myself to ask you until now." Arimi grew more uncomfortable as Eiji continued. She paled as Eiji took a deep breath. "Would you like to go out with me this Saturday?" he asked. Arimi opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound. She fought, trying desperately to say 'no'. "Sure she would, Inoue-kun." Arimi looked at who answered for her. Hikaru finally arrived. "Then I'll see you Saturday at five?" "She's looking forward to it," Hikaru answered again. "See ya!" Eiji left. ~~~~ "That was my father?" "He was a year older than you are now in that scene." "How could he ask that mouse out? Why not Seishin'no-sensei?" "Your father loved your mother, not Seishin'no-san." "Why are you showing me this?" "You are the first Sailor Senshi in millennia to be - " "To be the daughter of a previous Senshi. I know that. Why are you showing me her life? She was never around for mine." "You need to understand why your mother couldn't be around. There is a reason why you are the first Senshi's daughter to follow in her mother's footsteps." ~~~~ "Ariko," Eiji said softly, as he and Arimi sat beneath the moonlight. Arimi stirred in his arms. "Ariko, I know how hard you've been studying these past few years. I've waited as long as I could, knowing how important your studies were. I didn't want to distract you." Arimi giggled. "You hid that well. You distracted me when I needed it." "Not as often as I wished." Eiji smiled. He continued, "You're almost done your degree. I don't think this would distract you as much now." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Ariko, will you marry me?" Arimi's breath caught. "M-marry? Eiji, I'd love to . . . " "But?" Arimi smiled sadly, and took Eiji's hands into hers. "I n-need to think it over. I'm s-sorry, Eiji. Really." "Is it something I did, something I said?" "No, Eiji. You're a w-wonderful person. It's me. As m-much as I want to be with you forever, as much as I would love to say 'Yes', I can't. Not r-right away." Arimi brushed away a tear. "Please forgive me, Eiji. No matter what happens, I'll always love you." -**- "That's wonderful, Arimi-chan," Hikaru beamed. "That's so romantic, being asked under the moon like that." Emiko set down her cup of tea. "Arimi-chan, you don't look like someone who was just asked to get married. What's wrong?" "Nothing, Emiko-chan, really," Arimi answered. "You didn't say 'no', did you?" Hikaru asked. "I didn't say 'no'." "But you didn't say 'yes', either, right?" "I couldn't, Hikaru-chan." Arimi fought back tears. "Why not?" Sachi asked, sliding closer to Emiko. "It's not school work, is it?" "It's being a Senshi, right, Arimi-chan?" Ginny asked. "You're right, Ginny-chan," Arimi said. "How can I get married to Eiji and still keep being Draco a secret?" "You can't," Miyako said as she brought a tray of food. She handed out the girls' meals, saying, "I've already told Takao. He understands that I'll disappear at times with no explanation. I try to tell him what happened when I get back. I'm sure Eiji would be the same." "But Meiou-sensei said that telling another could be dangerous." "With all respect to Setsuna-san, I think she was wrong here. Even Dumpling-chan thinks that it's wrong that we have to remain single when we are Senshi." "So you think I should tell him?" "Only if you really want to marry him, Arimi-chan," Emiko said. "He deserves to know." -**- Arimi invited Eiji into her home. He followed her into the living room, asking "Are you sure this is alright, Ariko?" "I - I n-needed a private p-place to t-talk to you, Eiji," Arimi explained. "Papa's out of town again, and this is the most private we can get." The two sat on the couch. "Eiji, it's about your m-marriage proposal." "You don't have to say 'yes' if you don't want to, Ariko," Eiji said. "I'll try to understand." "Eiji, I w-want to marry you. Honest. It's j-just that . . . I can't explain it." Arimi stood up. "Don't watch. Humour me on this, please?" Eiji turned his head to face the wall. "I don't understand, Ariko. Why . . . ?" "Draco Crystal Power . . . Make up!" "Ariko?" "You may look, Eiji." Eiji turned to look at Arimi. Instead, standing beside the couch was Sailor Draco. Finding his voice again, he meekly asked, "Ariko? Is - is that you?" "It is, Eiji. I am Sailor Draco. This is why I couldn't answer right away. Do you still want me, despite all the covering I had to do?" "Ariko . . . Draco . . . I still want to marry you. Will you marry me?" Draco dropped to the couch, hugging Eiji. "Yes. Yes, I will." ~~~~ "She didn't want to marry him at first? I can't believe I'm her daughter." "You still don't understand. If your mom said 'yes' without telling your father, and then kept disappearing because of Senshi business, what would he think? This is one of the reasons why the original Inners never got married." "So why didn't she just tell him?" "Your mother never thought about herself. She always put her friends and family first. That's why she had the conflict. If she revealed herself, she might reveal her friends' identities too." "I don't understand." "Your mother was one of the first Senshi since the destruction of Crystal Tokyo. The Moon Kingdom was rebuilt in your lifetime. The Senshi are accepted now, thanks in part to your mom." "Would you stop calling her that?" "She is your mother." "Aunt Sachi and Aunt Emiko are more like mothers to me than that woman who gave birth to me ever was. She was never around." "A lot of things happened to her in a short period of time before you were born. You never were patient with her." ~~~~ Arimi fidgeted in her bridal gown. She had no idea how Hikaru had managed to talk her into wearing it. All she wanted was a nice, low-key wedding. Eiji was enthusiastic, though, and she really couldn't disappoint him. Mechanically, she repeated the words the priest gave her. Not much longer, if she could only stay standing. ". . . with this ring, I thee wed," Eiji finished. He slipped the wedding ring on her numb finger. Arimi looked into his eyes. He smiled, then kissed her. With the wedding march playing, Eiji helped Arimi out of the church grounds. She flashed a quick smile at her friends, her bridesmaids. Hikaru, the maid of honour, was crying, and had to be held up by Ginny, who fought back her own tears. Emiko smiled back, holding her fingers up in a "V". Ami stood stoically, and nodded her head. Outside, Arimi, Eiji, and the rest of the wedding party posed for photos for the guests. Arimi looked around for her father after the photos. He was standing with Ami's mother. She had never expected that to happen, that her father and Ami's mother would find something in common. Strangely enough, Ami was more supportive at first of them than Arimi was. Arimi slipped away from Eiji's side, to join her friends. Hikaru was still crying, but had been transferred to Emiko's shoulder. Trying to keep from breaking down completely and joining Hikaru, Arimi said, "I can't wait to get out of this dress." "That comes much later, after the reception," Ginny said slyly, nudging Arimi. Arimi blushed crimson. "Ginny-chan, that's not what I meant." "You mean you don't want to get rid of that dress and into your favourite jeans?" Emiko said innocently. "Arimi-chan, I wouldn't expect that type of thought from you." Arimi's blush grew deeper. "Emiko-chan!" She smiled slyly. "But now that you mention it . . . " "Congrats, Arimi-chan," Ginny said, hugging her. "I'm going to miss you, Ginny-chan." "G-Ginny-chan's leaving, too?" Hikaru snuffled. "Hikaru-chan, you already knew this," Ginny said. "I'm just going home to settle the paperwork. I will return. Just be happy for Arimi-chan today. I'll still be here for a few more days." "Hikaru-chan, I kn-know how you feel," Arimi said. "I'm not going to be around when Ginny-chan leaves. But I can't start crying now. My makeup will run, and I don't want that before the photos. Please stop crying, or I'll be joining you. For me, Hikaru-chan?" "Sorry, Arimi-chan," Hikaru said. "I'll try." The wedding party soon gathered together for the photo shoot. Eiji and Arimi got into the limo, arm in arm. -**- Thanks to their parents, Arimi and Eiji celebrated their honeymoon with a week in Hawaii. Ginny had arranged a stopover to say one last good-bye to Arimi before going home. On returning to Japan, they quickly found a small apartment, and Arimi started her new job at Yayota. The newlyweds' lives were busy, but they spent as much time as they could together. Two weeks after returning from Hawaii, tragedy struck. Arimi and Eiji were returning from grocery shopping, when Eiji remembered leaving his wallet behind. He ran back to retrieve it. Arimi decided to wait with the groceries for her husband. As Eiji returned and was crossing the intersection, an out of control car struck him. Arimi saw everything, but was frozen to the spot. She dropped to her knees, calling for Eiji and her mother. ~~~~ "Take this handkerchief." "I'm not crying." "If you say so." "I do. She could have saved him. She could have done something." "She couldn't. You heard her calling." "She kept calling Father's name." "She also called for her mother. You've met your grandfather. Have you wondered why you haven't met your grandmother?" "Grandmother Gin'no died long ago." "Your Grandmother Gin'no died in Sapporo, after being hit by a car. Just like what happened to your father. Your mother was there for that, too, when she was just six years old." "I . . . I didn't know . . . No-one ever told me." "Your mother was like that. She probably thought that she was protecting you from grief." "Wait a minute, if Father died, then . . . ?" "I didn't think you'd want to see the exact moment you were conceived. May have been while they were in Hawaii. Your mom always blushed whenever anyone mentioned the beach when she got back." "Did they know?" "That your mom was pregnant? Not for a couple of weeks later." ~~~~ Arimi worked overtime the week following Eiji's funeral. She couldn't bear returning to the apartment, not when she felt so alone in it. Arimi immersed herself in her work, isolating herself from everyone, even her friends. Finally, Emiko pinned her down for a lunch date at the Cafe Shingari. "Arimi-chan," Emiko started after getting herself and Arimi seated, "you have to take a break. You can't keep working like you've been." "What else can I do, Emiko-chan?" Arimi countered. "The apartment's too empty now. I can't stay there, not anymore." "Then move out. Or find a roommate. You can move in with Sachiko and me until you're feeling better." "I couldn't impose on you like that, Emiko-chan." "You won't be. We have space for when Nori visits. Sachiko wouldn't mind. You have to take it easy." Miyako arrived to take the women's orders. She saw Arimi's pale complexion. "Arimi-chan, you don't look well. I know things are rough for you right now, but are you feeling okay?" "Now that you mention it, Miyako, you're right," Emiko added. "Arimi-chan, you're working yourself sick. Have you felt ill?" "Only in the mornings, mainly," Arimi admitted. "It's not that bad, just nausea." Miyako and Emiko looked at each other. "Sickness in the morning?" Emiko asked. "Every morning?" "Not every morning, and not enough to keep me from work." "Arimi, call in sick this afternoon," Miyako said. "I feel fine right now," Arimi protested. "You're seeing a doctor this afternoon." "Why? I'm not sick." "Arimi-chan, I don't think it's sickness either." -**- Arimi sat in shock on a bench outside the clinic. "I'm pregnant. I can't be. What will I do? Emiko-chan, Miyako-san, I - I can't be pregnant. I can't raise a child. Not without Eiji. What'll I do?" She collapsed into Emiko's arms, sobbing. ~~~~ "Look at her. She's not parent material." "You mom was in the middle of two weeks of pure Hell. She just lost her husband, and then found out that she's carrying his only child. She could never really show her feelings, especially after your father died. Koorino-chan was very worried after your mom broke down like that." ~~~~ At Emiko's insistence, Arimi broke her lease and moved in with Emiko and Sachi. Her manager, knowing that Arimi's career with Yayota would be hindered by short-sighted policy and practise, recommended her to a friend running a smaller but more flexible shop. Arimi's life slowly returned to stability, but her friends didn't let her stay alone for too long. Hikaru, now a substitute teacher, visited Arimi often to try to cheer her friend up. Ginny stayed in touch, calling every week from New York. Even Ami and Usagi sent notes to Arimi from the Moon Kingdom. -**- "Emiko? Sachi? I - I think it's time," Arimi announced as she entered the sitting room. Her roommates ran over to help her sit. "Are you sure, Arimi?" Sachi asked. Arimi winced as another labour pain hit. "I'm sure. The baby is determined to be born." "Sounds like her mother," Emiko teased. "Is the car in one piece?" "I can't sit comfortably like this," Arimi answered testily. "How can I work on the car?" "Just asking. I'll go warm it up. Sachi, you go get Arimi's things." Emiko and Sachi dashed out of the room to do their tasks. Arimi rubbed her swollen belly. "Please hold on a little bit more. It won't be long, but I want you to have the best. Eiji - your father - would have wanted that for you, too." Sachi returned with Arimi's suitcase. She helped Arimi out to the car, but stayed behind to call all of Arimi's friends to tell them the news. Emiko drove carefully as a light snowfall covered the city in a white blanket of snow. Arimi tried to stay patient, but gave up after another labour pain hit. "Emiko, you can take the car out of first," Arimi complained. "I want you at the hospital in one piece," Emiko said. "This is as fast as I dare go." "I want my child to be born in the hospital, not in the car. If you can't do it, let me drive." "Oh, no. You are in no condition to drive tonight. Relax. If anything goes wrong, I'm here." "Sorry. It's just that, well, I don't know. I'm sorry I snapped at you, Emiko." "It's been rough on you, these past few months. Everything will be okay. You'll get to the hospital, and you'll have your baby in your arms. Have you decided on a name?" "Sort of. If I have a boy, I want to name him after Eiji." "And if you have a girl?" "I still don't have an idea. I have a few names in mind, but I can't choose one." "You still have some time to think about it. Look, we're here." Emiko pulled into the hospital's entrance. "I hope Sachi remembered to call here, too." Emiko helped Arimi out of the car at the main entrance, then left her long enough to park the car. Arimi started filling out the paperwork while waiting for Emiko to return, then let Emiko handle speaking with the hospital staff. The two women were then lead to a room, and Arimi was helped into bed. Sachi soon arrived with Hikaru in tow. Miyako arrived with her fiance Takao shortly afterwards. After several hours of labour, Arimi gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The doctor, Ami's mother, looked over the girl to make sure there were no problems, then returned the baby to Arimi's arms. Arimi held her baby awkwardly at first, but soon grew comfortable holding her. "She'll need a name," Emiko gently reminded. Arimi wiped away a tear of joy. "I know. Kimiko, Gin'no Kimiko, after my mother." ~~~~ "She named me after her mother?" "You never asked her about your name?" "I - I thought that I was named after someone in one of those shows she watched." "Maybe if her life wasn't as hard as it was, she might have." "If her life was so hard, then why didn't she give me up for adoption?" >thwack< "Ow!" "Next time, it'll be across your head, not your backside. Your mother wanted you. She may not have known how to be a mother, but she cared for you." "She was gone most of my life. I saw you more than I did her." "Your grandfather was the same way. Your mother tried to make up for being away the same way he did, by taking you out for special dinners." "I just wanted to spend more time with her at home. Why couldn't she see this?" "You and your mother were complete opposites. Neither of you understood the other, and neither of you talked to the other. She would have been the first to admit that she wasn't the best parent, but you weren't the ideal daughter either." ~~~~ Arimi raised Kimiko to the best of her ability, but soon found herself in the same position her own father did. She had less time to spend with her daughter than she wanted, but tried to make it up like her father did with her. Soon, mother and daughter grew apart, as Arimi's duties both at work and as a Sailor Senshi interfered with her duties as a mother. Kimiko grew rebellious, and argued with her mother whenever the two were able to be together. One venomous argument took place in front of Ginny, now the Moon Kingdom's ambassador to the UN. Ginny pulled Arimi aside into the kitchen, and said, "I can't believe you let her speak to you like that. I would have smacked her long ago." "It's alright, Ginny." "No, it's not. She's fourteen, she shouldn't be treating you like that." "I know, but that's the only way we even speak to each other anymore." Arimi sighed. "She's right. I am the world's worst mother." "Don't talk like that, Arimi." "It's true, Ginny. I wish Eiji was still around. He was much better with children. Children were all alien to me, even my own child. Especially my own. I've always got her the best, but I still don't know what she wants." "You need to get out," Ginny said. "Just get away from here for a while, for yourself." "I'll just tell Kimiko-chan." Arimi got up from the table and walked to the door. She pushed it open a crack, then paused when she heard voices. ". . . can't believe I'm her daughter, let alone even related to her," Kimiko exclaimed. "Not so loud, Kimi-chan," Sachi warned. "Your mom will hear you." "Good. It'll be a first." "Kimi-chan! You can't mean that." "I do mean it. Mother is never around. When she is, she just locks herself away. I can't stand it. I can't stand her. I'm ashamed to be around her. Did you know she can't even order at a restaurant? I hate her!" Arimi slowly closed the door and backed away a step. She blinked back a tear. "Kimiko must have gone to her room," she lied. "Let's go." "Arimi?" "I said, let's go," Arimi snapped. -**- Arimi was depressed while she was out with Ginny. Ginny suspected the reason, but she didn't want to hurt Arimi more by mentioning Kimiko. Arimi barely heard Ginny's news and stories as they sat in Miyako's cafe. The night out was interrupted by a call to arms. The Stellar Senshi were called on to defeat a threat to the Earth, particularly the Earth's children. Arimi and Ginny, as Sailor Draco and Sailor Aquila met Sailor Corona and Sailor Cygnus to counter the threat. The fight was hard for the Stellars. They were forced into a running battle through the streets of Tokyo. Finally, the invader was trapped in an alleyway. Draco advanced, staff at the ready. The invader brandished a sword, and ran Draco through. Ignoring the pain, Draco said, "For the sake of my daughter, and for all the children; in the name of the Dragon, I will punish you. Draco Metal Hellstorm!" The invader was driven back, torn apart by Draco's attack. Draco staggered back against the wall. Bracing herself, she grabbed the sword by the blade. Ignoring her friends protests, she pulled the sword out of her. "Draco!" Cygnus cried. "Draco, don't move." Draco slid down the wall, leaving a bloody trail. "No, Cygnus," she said hoarsely. "It . . . It's too late for me." "I can't - " "Please, Cygnus, don't. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain." Draco coughed up blood. "I can't do anything more for my daughter alive. Please let me do something for her in death." "Draco, I - I didn't realize . . . " Corona's voice trailed away. "Please tell Kimiko-chan that I love her, and that I'm sorry for being such a terrible mother." Arimi closed her eyes and found peace. ~~~~ "She heard me. I - I didn't know." Kimiko broke into tears. "I didn't mean to hurt her like that. I wasn't thinking. I didn't want Mother to just give up. Pluto-san, what can I do?" Sailor Pluto let the scene fade, and hugged Kimiko. "The past is done, and not easily changed. There is something you can do, but you have to be strong. Do you think you can do it?"