Sailor Moon: Generation Gap Sidebar 7 - Love and Shadows! Arimi-chan's First Date! Gin'no Arimi's morning started well. The results of the latest tests were posted, and once again she had tied for top spot with Mizuno Ami. Arimi's father phoned before she left for school to tell her that he would be home early from a business trip to Osaka, and they planned to eat at an Italian restaurant for dinner. Even her friend Hikaru managed to show up before the second bell. The lunch bell rang, and students poured out of classrooms. Arimi, holding her books tight against her chest with both arms, drifted with the crowd to get to her locker. She was in no hurry; she was supposed to meet Hikaru there, after Hikaru's Home Ec. class. Hikaru was always late, but the only way she was going to be very late was if she blew up an oven. Arimi stopped mid-step, then shook her head. 'Hikaru wouldn't do that,' she thought. Arimi continued to her locker. To pass the time while waiting for her friend, she started leafing through her chemistry text. Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, Arimi looked up. Instead of Hikaru as she expected, the person approaching her was Inoue Eiji, a classmate. 'He must want to borrow my notes,' Arimi thought. "I-I-Inoue-kun," Arimi said. "Hi, Gin'no-chan," Eiji answered. "I was wondering if I could ask you something." "S-sure. I-if you want m-my n-notes, I'll -" "It's not your notes, Arimi-chan," Eiji interrupted. 'Not my notes? Then what - oh, no.' Arimi's heart pounded furiously. "I've been trying to work myself up to ask this for a while now." 'Oh, please. *Anything* but that.' Arimi stood still, unblinking, taking only the occasional breath. "I've noticed you since you first transferred here, but I couldn't bring myself to ask you until now." 'He wouldn't. He couldn't. He can't be -' Eiji took a deep breath. "Would you like to go out with me this Saturday?" Arimi opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound. 'He did! What'll I do? I can't. I can't go out with him, I can't even speak to him. C'mon Gin'no, just tell him. Just say -' "Sure she would, Inoue-kun." Arimi looked at who answered for her. 'Of all the times Hikaru-chan had to arrive.' Arimi tried again to say something, anything. "Then I'll see you Saturday at five?" "She's looking forward to it," Hikaru answered again. "See ya!" Eiji left. "Arimi-chan, you are so lucky." "L-l-lucky?" Arimi finally found her voice. "To have a date this weekend. Inoue-kun is so cute, too." "Hikaru-chan! How could you?" "You looked like you were having problems, so I thought I'd help." "Help? I can't believe this. Hikaru-chan, I wasn't trying to say 'yes'." "You weren't? I thought you found Inoue-kun cute." Arimi's cheeks flushed red. "See? You do. So why not go with him on Saturday?" "Because I can't even speak one word around him. How could you do this to me?" Arimi turned her back on Hikaru. "Do? Oh! Arimi-chan, I didn't think." Hikaru bowed to Arimi, her hands held palms together. "Please forgive me, Arimi-san. I didn't mean to get you into trouble." "Hello, Seishin'no-chan, Gin'no-chan," a new voice greeted. Hikaru straightened up. "Meiou-sensei, um, good morning." Arimi also turned to face her teacher. "Good morning, Sensei." "Is there a problem, girls?" Setsuna asked. "A problem?" Hikaru answered. "No. Not at all." 'How can she say that?' Arimi thought. She turned her head away from Hikaru with a "hmph." "Seishin'no-chan, what happened to your uniform?" Arimi couldn't help but look. There were dark stains on Hikaru's blouse and skirt and the remnants of dark smudges on her face. Hikaru tried to hide the stains. "I had some problems in Home Ec., Sensei. I misread the instructions. I thought it said one cup of yeast." 'She blew up the oven!' Arimi realized. "You will be cleaning up before first class this afternoon?" "Yes, Sensei. C'mon Arimi-chan . . . " Hikaru turned to face Arimi, but no-one was beside her. "Arimi-chan?" Hikaru looked around, spinning in a circle. "Arimi-chan?" Setsuna stepped back to avoid being hit by Hikaru's lengthy pig tails. "Just go clean up. You'll find Gin'no-chan later." "Yes, Sensei." -**- In her pocket dimension, Lady Muerte summoned her general. Guerre entered Muerte's room and kneeled. "Guerre, you have a plan to weaken Earth's inhabitants." A statement, not a question. "Yes, milady. Humans are preoccupied by a foolish notion called 'love'. If we can twist these feelings, the humans will be more easily brought under your control." "Do not underestimate humans, Guerre. You predecessors did, and paid the price." "I understand, milady. However, my plan has an added goal. You are aware that the Sailor Senshi always introduce themselves as 'fighting for love -'" "I am well aware of that," Muerte snapped. "You need not remind me." "Of course, milady. If we can twist the humans' feelings of love to our own ends, then the Senshi themselves will be fighting for us, not against us." "You hope for much, Guerre, but I like your plan. Proceed." Muerte dismissed Guerre with a wave. -**- Arimi avoided Hikaru as much as possible the rest of the school day, even going straight home after class instead waiting for Hikaru after class. Unfortunately, Arimi wouldn't be able to avoid Hikaru for much longer, not when she was part of the study group with Emiko and Ginny. All of them were to meet at Arimi's home after school. 'Maybe Emiko and Ginny can keep Hikaru busy. I need to sort my thoughts out about her.' At home, Arimi changed out of her school uniform and into more comfortable clothes. She returned downstairs and entered the garage. She left the garage door open so that her friends could find her while she worked on her father's car. Arimi slipped a greasy pair of coveralls and her ball cap and set to work. Ginny and Emiko arrived together, having met at the bus stop. They found Arimi lying over the fender, hands busy with the engine. Arimi waved a hello, then continued. Ginny, remembering the mood she had seen Arimi was in at school, led Emiko inside to prepare tea. When they returned with a tray, Hikaru was running up the driveway. "Emiko-chan! Ginny-chan! Hi!" Hikaru said. "Arimi-chan, are you still angry with me?" "Arimi-chan's angry?" Emiko asked. "This is unusual." "You haven't heard the gossip," Ginny explained. "Arimi-chan was asked out today by Inoue Eiji." Arimi dropped her wrench. The clatter as the wrench fell off the engine to the floor focused everyone's attention on Arimi. She climbed off the car and faced Hikaru. "Hikaru-chan! You told the others?" Arimi accused. "I didn't. I swear I didn't," Hikaru defended. "I know how much trouble I caused for you. I didn't say anything to anyone about your date. Honest." "If it helps, I heard it from one of Chiba-chan's friends," Ginny added. "One of them has a locker near yours, she could have overheard." "At least the gossip was only at your school," Emiko said. "Wh-what do you mean?" Arimi asked cautiously. "If Arimi-chan is going out with someone, it should be announced on the national news," Emiko teased, grinning. She crossed the garage to put her arm around Arimi. "Everyone is surprised because you did something that wasn't the you they know. We know better, because we've seen the real Arimi-chan. New gossip will happen, and you will be forgotten." Arimi looked at Emiko skeptically. "Until then, everyone will l-look at me. I don't think I c-can handle that." "Arimi-chan, you've fought 's and 's Shadows," Ginny said. "You can't be afraid of being with Inoue-kun." "That's different," Arimi protested. "I had all of you with me, and facing those Shadows wasn't half as frightening as t-talking to I-Inoue-kun." "We could come with you," Hikaru suggested. Arimi glared at her. "Or not," Hikaru finished meekly. "Haven't you c-caused enough tr-trouble for me this week?" "Arimi-chan," Hikaru said plaintively. "I thought I was helping you." "That was harsh, Arimi-chan," Ginny admonished. "I wouldn't have th-this problem without Hikaru's 'help'." "Hikaru was only looking out for you," Emiko said. "She thought she was making you happy." "She can't help being a nosy busybody," Ginny added. Arimi glared at Hikaru for a few more moments, then her features softened. She grinned. "Am I forgiven?" Hikaru asked. "I am really sorry." "I forgive you, Hikaru-chan," Arimi said. "So we can get at our homework without Hikaru whining?" Ginny asked, a mischievous grin on her face. "Hey, I don't whine," Hikaru whined. Arimi cleaned up her work area as Emiko ushered Hikaru and Ginny into the house. Shutting the car's hood, Arimi then slipped out of her coveralls and joined the others inside. They sat at the kitchen table. Texts and notebooks were piled around the table. Arimi took the teapot to refresh it. "Arimi-chan, have you thought about what you're going to wear?" Hikaru asked. Arimi froze. Emiko dashed over to her and took the teapot from her, setting it on the counter. "W-wear?" Arimi stammered. "Not again," Ginny groaned. "You can't wear that." Hikaru waved, indicating Arimi's plain white shirt and pair of jeans. "I don't have much else, other than for school." "No special dresses or anything like that?" Ginny asked. Arimi shook her head. "Not since my mother died, really. She made sure that I had dressy clothes, not that I liked wearing them. But I outgrew those years ago." She shrugged. "Hasn't been important, I guess. All I have are pants and a few skirts." "You can't go on your first date in a school skirt, Arimi-chan," Hikaru said. "Ginny-chan, what did you wear on your first date?" "Me? I can't remember," Ginny answered vaguely. "You can't remember your first date?" "I can," Ginny said indignantly. "Then what did you wear?" "It's not important." "Please, Ginny-chan? For me?" Arimi pleaded. Ginny sighed. "I wore a swimsuit. Richard invited me to the beach. We did go for supper together later, but we didn't dress up for it. We went to a restaurant near the beach. Not too much help for you, Arimi-chan." "Thank you anyways, Ginny-chan, for trying." Arimi sat on a nearby stool. "What am I going to do?" she wailed. "Everything will balance, Arimi-chan," Emiko comforted. "We'll help. We'll go shopping tomorrow for a dress. Okay?" "Wh-what about homework?" "Arimi-chan, this is much more important," Hikaru said. "You're far enough ahead that missing one day's studying won't hurt." "I suppose." "Then it's settled. We're going shopping tomorrow." -**- Guerre returned to his secluded grove in a park in Tokyo. Deep inside the trees' shadows, he withdrew his Shadow Crystal. "Shadow Warrior Discordia, I command you to come forth!" Guerre's Crystal glowed, then a writhing form emerged. The Shadow Warrior coalesced, taking the shape of a woman with long dark hair. "At your service, General Guerre," she said. "You know what to do, Discordia." -**- The study session broke up when Arimi's father arrived home. Arimi greeted her father with a hug while the others packed up their books. After saying her goodbyes to her friends, Arimi went upstairs to change for dinner. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and studied herself. In her jeans and loose fitting shirt, and with her ball cap on, she thought she looked boyish. She took off her cap and shook out her hair. It helped, but only a bit. She looked like a girl, but one younger than her sixteen years. Arimi sighed. Arimi opened her closet. Her school uniform was hung neatly on the inside of the closet door, the rest of her clothes along the bar inside. She rummaged through her clothes, finally pulling out a grey woolen skirt and blue blouse. She quickly changed into the new clothes, then inspected herself in the mirror again. Arimi sighed, still not thrilled with her appearance, then joined her father downstairs. Arimi was quiet during the walk to the restaurant. Her father talked about his trip to Osaka. They passed a couple, two university students, walking hand in hand, gazing into each other's eyes. Arimi tried to watch them without being obvious about it. The students never noticed. At the restaurant, they were quickly seated and handed menus. Arimi only glanced at hers. She didn't think she would be able to eat. "Arimi, is there something wrong?" her father asked, sensing her mood. "You haven't said much tonight." "Nothing's wrong," Arimi mumbled. "How was school?" "Okay, I guess." Arimi looked up, meeting her fathers gaze. She squirmed in her seat. "I was asked out today," she blurted. "Ah. I see. What did you tell this boy?" "Nothing. I couldn't talk to him. I wanted to say 'no'. I wanted to say 'no' so much. But I couldn't say even that. How much fun would it be with a lump who can't even talk?" "You're not a lump, Arimi. So what's all the fuss? You're not going -" "I am," Arimi interrupted. "Hikaru-chan answered for me. She wanted me to be happy." "So now you want to break your date?" "No. I want to go out with Inoue-kun." 'Did I just say that?' Arimi asked herself. "Really. But I don't know what to do. Papa, what was your first date with Mother like?" "That was a long time ago, Arimi," her father answered, surprised at the question. "You must remember, Papa." "I was younger than you are now," Arimi's father started. "I was in love with your mother, but only from a distance. I couldn't talk to her, I was afraid of what she'd do to me. She was far too beautiful for me to be even in the same room as her. But my friends wanted me to take someone to a dance instead of just tagging along with them. I rehearsed for three days what I wanted to say to her before I saw her; but your mother wound up prompting me every step of the way. On the night of the dance, I was as anxious as you are. Then I saw your mother. She was a goddess. I was tongue-tied for the rest of the evening, but she understood me. She always did." -**- Discordia stalked the couple Arimi observed earlier. The two students were oblivious to everything except kissing each other. It was mere child's play for Discordia to sneak up on them. She held her hand out, fingers spread. Vapours swirled from her hand, engulfing her victims. The students broke from their kiss. Their features darkened, then they started arguing. Discordia laughed as the former couple fought. -**- As Arimi and her father ate, Arimi felt as if her problem was light years away. They discussed more normal topics, including the work Arimi had done to her father's car while he was away. Arimi's appetite returned as she realized that she never ate lunch. After finishing and paying for their meal, father and daughter walked leisurely home, going through the park. Arimi heard quarrelling from ahead. The couple she had seen earlier, the couple who were so involved with each other that they didn't notice her, were fighting with each other. Arimi's doubts returned. -**- The next day, Arimi had never been so anxious to see the end of class. She felt everyone staring at her, though she could never catch anyone doing so. She fled to the library at lunch, to hide amidst the bookshelves. The end of the day came none too soon for her. Hikaru passed a note to her, to tell her that Eiji wanted to speak with her. -**- Discordia was hunting her tenth couple. She hoped that these lovers would be as entertaining as the last couple, who came to blows. Discordia released her vapours. -**- Arimi met her friends at the school's main entrance. Ginny was leaning against the stair railing, Hikaru was at the bottom of the steps, and Emiko was a few paces behind Hikaru. They were obviously concerned for her, but Arimi felt worse as a result. "You can go shopping without me. I'll just go home," she said. "Arimi-chan, the shopping trip was for you," Hikaru reminded. "We were going to help you find a dress." "I-I've changed my mind. I'm not going." "Going shopping, or going out with Inoue-kun?" "Either. Both." Arimi sat on the steps. "Arimi-chan . . ." "I can't do it, Hikaru-chan. Today was bad enough with people talking behind my back. And now I-I-I-In-" Arimi stopped and swallowed. "I can't even say his name now. Hikaru-chan, you have to tell him I can't go." "No, Arimi-chan," Emiko said. "But, Emiko-chan . . ." "No, Arimi-chan," Emiko repeated. "If you want to break the date with Inoue-kun, you will have to do it yourself. Not Hikaru-chan. Not Ginny-chan. You." Arimi buried her head into her hands. Ginny pushed off the railing and stepped forward. "Lay off her, guys. This is all new to her." Ginny sat beside Arimi. "I know how hard it is for you, but nothing bad will happen to you." Arimi raised her head. "You don't know what it's like for me, Ginny-chan. You and Hikaru-chan and Emiko-chan, all of you can talk to strangers. You can order at a restaurant without having to point at a menu. You can answer questions without having to nod. Hikaru has no problems talking at all. I . . . I envy her. All of you. I want to talk to people. I want to go out with I-I-I-In- . . . with him." She returned her head to her hands. "What'll I do?" she sobbed. "Come shopping for a new dress," Hikaru said. "Inoue-kun doesn't care if you talk to him. He knows you're shy, but he still asked you. He likes you, Arimi-chan. He wants to go out with you, not Ginny-chan or Emiko-chan or me." "Hikaru-chan's right," Emiko said. "There's an entire school he could have asked out, but he asked you with all the flaws you think you have. He doesn't see them like you do, Arimi-chan. He deserves to have you tell him the date is off, not Hikaru." "You're right, Emiko-chan," Arimi admitted. She stood up and squared her shoulders. "Let's go." "Go where? You're not going to talk to Inoue-kun, are you?" Hikaru asked. "Nope. I'm going to get a new dress." -**- Discordia returned to Guerre's hidden grove. "Discordia, you have been successful turning lovers into enemies," Guerre said. "Thank you," Discordia replied. "But at the rate you're going, the Senshi will be grandmothers. Lady Muerte is not willing to wait that long. You will make improvements." "I am. There is a park where young couples like to walk. I will claim more victims until the weekend, then I'll turn the park into a battlefield." -**- Arimi's resolve faltered at the entrance of the mall, and again she tried to back out. Ginny, expecting that, had been behind her and stopped her from leaving. "Ginny-chan, please?" Arimi pleaded. "I'm sorry, Arimi-chan. I can't," Ginny said. "I'm trying to help." Arimi's friends lead her through the mall to many clothes stores. Many promising dresses were found, but Arimi wasn't comfortable with any. After two hours of browsing and trying clothes, the girls found a bench to sit on. "Arimi-chan, you must have liked one of those dresses we saw," Ginny said. "I did," Arimi replied, "but none were what I was looking for." "What type of dress are you looking for?" Hikaru asked. Arimi produced a photo from her purse and showed it to the other girls. The photo was a colour picture of a girl younger than Arimi wearing a dress the colour of the sky. "She's pretty, Arimi-chan," Hikaru remarked. "Who is she?" "My mother," Arimi answered. "Papa found the picture for me. This is from their first date." "Do you want a dress like this?" Ginny asked. Arimi nodded. Emiko took the photo and studied it. "I don't know, Arimi-chan. The style's from twenty years ago. I think I know where we can find a similar dress, though. Did you want the same colour?" "I do, Emiko-chan," Arimi said. "Let's go," Hikaru said, heading off. "Hikaru-chan," Emiko corrected, "it's this way." -**- Discordia found another pair of victims: two high school students who couldn't take their eyes off each other. An and Jiri, classmates of Arimi and Hikaru, decided to window shop together. Discordia glided up behind them and released her vapours. -**- Arimi modelled the dress to her friends. The dress wasn't exactly like her mother's, but the differences didn't matter to Arimi. Arimi twirled, letting the full skirt billow. "Thank you, Emiko-chan," Arimi said. Arimi changed back into her school uniform and paid for the dress. The girls, realizing the time, decided to eat out instead of heading home. Ginny phoned her hosts to let them know that she wouldn't be home for dinner, the others called their parents telling them the same. They then wandered to the Cafe Shingari. Jikuuno Miyako, a friend of Setsuna's, was working behind the counter when the girls entered. Miyako walked over to their table, menus in hand. "I was wondering when you'd be in today," Miyako said, handing the girls each a menu. "It was quiet here today without Hikaru-chan. Very peaceful." Hikaru stuck her tongue at Miyako. "Keep that up and no dessert," Miyako warned. Hikaru's face saddened. "You wouldn't." "Now then," Miyako ignored Hikaru, "Seeing that it should be your dinner times, you would like something to eat. Am I right?" The girls nodded. "You are brave. I'll see what I can do. Ginny-chan, can I get you to return some books to Dumpling-chan?" "Sure," Ginny said. "Saves Chiba-chan a trip." Miyako left to prepare the meals. "Dumpling-chan?" Emiko asked. "You haven't met Chiba-chan," Ginny explained. "She has her hair tied into two long pony tails, like Hikaru-chan's, but Chiba-chan has hers in two heart-shaped buns. Miyako-san calls her Dumpling-chan to annoy her." "I see. Arimi-chan, you up for more shopping after dinner?" "More?" Arimi was puzzled. "Why? Did you need to get something? I'm sorry for taking up so much -" "It's not that, Arimi-chan," Emiko interrupted. "You'll need a pair of shoes to go with the dress." "But I already have a pair." "The shoes you're wearing don't count," Hikaru said. "Do you need any makeup, Arimi-chan?" Emiko added. "M-makeup?" Arimi stammered. She slumped in her chair. "I'd say 'yes'," Ginny said. Miyako returned with a tray holding four steaming bowls. She looked at Arimi. "You've exhausted Gin'no-chan. The poor girl can't keep up with your shopping marathons." Miyako passed the bowls out to the girls. "So, let's see what you bought. Just the one bag?" She smiled. "Gin'no-chan, you will bring him by for me to see, won't you?" Arimi blushed a deep red. "H-h-h-how . . . ?" "How did I know?" Arimi nodded. "Easy," Miyako said. "You were carrying the bag. If it had been Hikaru-chan's, there wouldn't be just one bag. Ginny-chan and Emiko-chan wouldn't make you carry their bag, unless you offered and maybe not even then. The bag must be yours." Miyako walked behind Arimi and knelt beside her. "The bag is from a clothes store, a specialty store, not the department stores you normally get your clothes. Whatever is in the bag must be for something or someone special." Arimi's blush turned deeper. "I would really love to meet the boy that could get a word out of my shiest customer, Gin'no-chan. Please bring him by." "I-I-I-I w-will, Jikuuno-san," Arimi promised. "Good." Miyako stood back up. "Well?" she addressed the entire group. "Aren't you going to eat?" Miyako returned behind the counter. "Wow, she's good," Hikaru said. She tasted her meal. "So's her cooking." "Arimi-chan, what's wrong?" Ginny noticed Arimi's expression. "I-I don't know," Arimi answered. "Nothing, I guess. It's been a long day." "You're not getting cold feet again, are you?" "No. I-I can't explain it. I'm overwhelmed with the dress and now shoes and make up. Dating isn't as easy as it looks. I'm not ready." "Arimi-chan, you're sixteen," Hikaru said between mouthfuls. "You have to learn sometime. What's better than having your friends help you?" "Thanks, all of you. Thank you." The girls ate their meals, chatting about other subjects. Arimi mentioned homework and an upcoming test, much to Hikaru's dismay. The arrival of a boy that caught Hikaru's eye ended her protests. After paying for the meals, the girls made their way back to the mall, taking the time to look in shop windows along the way. At one window, Hikaru spotted a pair of shoes that she thought would be perfect for her friend. "Arimi-chan, what about these?" she asked. Emiko and Ginny looked into the window to judge for themselves. "You're right, Hikaru-chan," Emiko said. "These would be perfect with the dress. Arimi-chan, what do you think?" On hearing no answer, Hikaru turned around. "Arimi-chan? What do - Where did she go?" Arimi was not to be found. "Did she chicken out again?" Ginny asked. "Arimi? Arimi!" "She couldn't have gone far," Emiko said. "I know where she is," Hikaru announced. The other two girls looked at her, waiting. "She has to be in there." Hikaru pointed at a hardware store they had passed. "I should've guessed," Ginny remarked. The girls walked back and peeked into the store. Arimi was casually browsing the aisles, fully unaware of her friends and of the people around her. Hikaru took the lead as she and her friends marched up to Arimi. "Arimi-chan," Hikaru said sternly. "These are not shoes." "Oh!" Arimi exclaimed. "I'm sorry, Hikaru-chan. I only wanted to check the price on something I saw in the window. I must have gotten distracted a bit. Sorry." Her eyes returned to look at the tool kits on the shelves. Hikaru repressed a sigh. She knew her friend was more interested in tools and mechanics than anything else, including shopping and even studying. She knew that there was no way that she could change that in Arimi, even if she wanted. Hikaru took Arimi's elbow and gently dragged her out of the store. Arimi looked back wistfully at the tool kits as she was lead from the store. Shopping for the shoes didn't take half as long as finding Arimi's dress. Arimi left the hunt for the shoes in Hikaru's capable hands, Hikaru having spent far more time in a mall than Arimi. The result was a pair of light blue open-toed pumps. The cosmetics were found even faster, with Emiko lending her expertise to find the right colours for Arimi. The last stop of the shopping trip was back at the hardware store as a way to reward Arimi's patience before the girls went home. -**- Friday flew by for Arimi. Hikaru and Ginny made sure that she wasn't left alone for very long. Eiji tried to speak to Arimi once, at lunch, and wound up having Hikaru act as a go-between. Arimi was tongue-tied as soon as she heard his voice, and all that Eiji asked was for her address. After school, Emiko joined the three girls to help get Arimi's mind focussed on anything but her date. Hikaru, in a fit of desperation, suggested homework, and regretted it. Arimi pulled out her math text and started working ahead in the book, then waited for the others to catch up. That night, Arimi slept fitfully. Despite the distraction her friends tried to provide, she kept thinking about her date the next night. She played the date over and over in her mind. Each time, something disastrous occurred. Either she said something wrong; or she spilled her drink on Eiji or on herself; or she wasn't able to do anything right at all. Arimi's eyes snapped open. 'This isn't helping,' she thought. She checked the time. Arimi groaned when she saw that it was only after midnight. Disgusted with herself, she got out of bed and padded downstairs. Finding her way through the dark to the kitchen, she put a kettle of water on to boil. Arimi found the tin of instant cocoa and heaped a spoonful into a mug. She remembered when her mother did this for her when she was still alive. Arimi often couldn't sleep the night before a major event, like the first day of school or a big exam. Finally the kettle boiled. Arimi filled her mug and stirred, then walked back to the family room. She curled up on the couch and sipped her cocoa. Eventually, Arimi fell asleep. She awoke the next day, still on the couch. Her father had placed a blanket over her before he went out. Arimi wrapped the blanket around her and started to return upstairs to her room. She stopped halfway up the stairs when she heard the doorbell ring. Arimi ignored it and continued upstairs. The bell rang again, followed by knocking. "Arimi-chan! It's me! Hikaru!" Arimi sighed, then went back downstairs. Wrapping the blanket tighter around her, she answered the door. Hikaru was standing on the porch, wearing a light sundress. "Good morning, Arimi-chan!" Hikaru beamed. "Hikaru-chan! Wh-what are you doing here?" Arimi asked. "Keeping you company. It's a big day for you. I'm a bit late, though." "What time is it?" Hikaru checked her watch. "It's a little after eleven." "I slept in," Arimi groaned. "Did I wake you up?" "No, but I was -" Arimi stopped. She saw one of her neighbours walk by. "Hikaru-chan, please come in." "I didn't mean to wake you. I just thought that you'd be up by now." "Hikaru-chan, please come in before the neighbours see." "See? See what? Oh, you're not dressed yet," Hikaru exclaimed. Arimi's face reddened. She grabbed Hikaru's arm. "Hikaru-chan. Please. Come. In." Arimi pulled Hikaru inside, then shut the door. Letting out a deep breath, Arimi continued, "Thank you." She made sure that Hikaru was comfortable, then went upstairs to change. Arimi came back down wearing a plain t-shirt and overalls. Placing a kettle of water on to boil for tea, then joined Hikaru in the family room. "I'm sorry for being rude to you at the door," Arimi finally said after a long silence. "You're forgiven," Hikaru beamed. "Everyone's allowed to have bad days, even you Arimi-chan. But today won't be a bad day for you." "That's easy for you to say. My day has barely started and it hasn't gone right yet." "Cheer up, Arimi-chan. You can't base your day on what happens when you wake up. What would I be like if I did that?" "I suppose," Arimi agreed reluctantly. "'To better appreciate the view from the mountain, you must spend time in the valley.' Isn't that how Emiko-chan would say it?" "Probably." Arimi let out a sigh. "Do you smell something?" Hikaru sniffed the air. "Yeah. Is something burning?" "Burning? The kettle!" Arimi jumped out of her chair and ran to the kitchen. Hikaru followed. The kettle had boiled dry and started to char on the bottom. Arimi turned the burner off and placed the kettle in the sink. She then slumped over the counter. "Look at it this way, Arimi-chan," Hikaru said. "The view from the mountain is going to look very good tonight." Arimi shot a dubious look at Hikaru, then let her head drop to the counter. "It's almost noon. You haven't had anything to eat. Why don't I treat you to brunch?" Hikaru suggested. The two girls walked over to the Cafe Shingari. Miyako's cousin was working instead of Miyako. Arimi and Hikaru ordered light meals. Trying to raise Arimi's spirits, Hikaru made idle chitchat. She was rewarded with a smile from Arimi when she explained what happened in Home Ec. when the oven blew up. After the meal, and at Hikaru's insistence, the girls headed over to the Crown Arcade. Arimi suspected that Hikaru just wanted to see the manager (though Arimi admitted that he was sort of cute), but she was more interested in seeing if any new games were in. Arimi was concerned that Hikaru would lose track of the time, though. "Don't worry, Arimi-chan," Hikaru reassured. "We'll get back to your place in time for Inoue-kun to show up." "But I have to be ready before I-In-- before he arrives." "Thanks for reminding me. Ginny-chan and Emiko-chan will be coming over to your place at four to help you." "S-so soon? But the house is a mess. I have to --" Hikaru grabbed Arimi by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Arimi-chan, relax. You're going to drive yourself crazy if you keep this up. I'll tidy up while you're getting dressed if it will help. But we can worry about that later. For now, please Arimi-chan, try to relax. For me?" "I-I'll try, Hikaru-chan." "Thank you. That's all I ask . . . " Hikaru's voice trailed away as she spotted the manager. Her eyes followed him as he walked around the arcade. "Um, so . . . , um, just, um, look around and find a game you like. Erm, I'll be right back." Hikaru dashed after the manager, leaving Arimi alone. Arimi wandered through the arcade, watching others play the different games. The fighting games were the most popular, but didn't interest Arimi. She was looking for a less intense game. One game that caught her attention featured a girl in a uniform similar to what Arimi wore as Sailor Draco, except the skirt was red. The girl playing the game was completely immersed in the game, bobbing and weaving with the action on-screen. The game ended when the girl jumped instead of dodging. "I was near the end of the level, too," the girl said. Noticing Arimi standing beside her, the girl brushed her short dark hair behind her ears and stood up. "Oh, did you want to play this game?" "I-I-I'm o-okay," Arimi stammered. She waved for the girl to sit back down. The girl smiled warmly. "Thanks. I was so close to finding what the next mystery Senshi looked like." "M-m-mystery S-Senshi?" Arimi asked, intrigued. She made a mental note to tell Meiou-sensei and the others about the game. "Like Sailor Moon or Sailor Mars, but not on the news as much. By the way, my name is Hino Rei," the girl introduced herself. "I-I'm G-Gin'no A-Arimi." "Hi. Are you here alone?" Hino-chan asked. Arimi shook her head. "M-m-my fr-friend is o-over th-there w-with the m-manager." She pointed at Hikaru across the arcade. "He's popular, isn't he? The manager, that is. A couple of my friends like him, too. Me, he's not my type really. I want someone tall and mysterious . . . " Hino-chan's eyes went dreamy, then returned to normal. "Sorry about that." She looked embarrassed. "Now that I've revealed an innermost secret, it's your turn. What do you look for in a guy?" "M-me?" The question took Arimi aback. "I . . . I n-never th-thought about i-it b-before." "Never? At all?" "I-I'm u-usually t-too busy st-st-studying," Arimi said. "You sound like my friend Ami. She's always studying, trying to outdo someone at her school. But you must have thought about it once, even if it was just before falling asleep. So what is your ideal man like?" Arimi shrugged. "I g-guess he sh-should be k-kind, ge-gentle, s-smart." She smiled shyly. "P-p-patient t-too." In the meanwhile, the video game changed to a demo, scrolling to show the background of the first level. Arimi recognized the person the Sailor Moon icon found. "I-isn't that S-Sailor P-Pluto?" Hino-chan looked at the screen. "You know who that is?" she asked. "I-I-I've s-s-seen h-her a f-few t-t-times," Arimi stuttered under Hino-chan's penetrating stare. "What about the others? Have you seen them, too?" Hino-chan insisted. "Wh-wh-which o-o-others?" "From the game. The one with a staff, not Pluto but the other one. Another with long ponytails." "I-I-I'm s-s-s-" Arimi lost the ability to speak under Hino-chan's barrage of questions. Hino-chan stepped back. "I'm sorry, Gin'no-chan. I didn't mean to press on you like that." She bowed to Arimi. "Please forgive me." "I f-f-forgive you, H-Hino-ch-chan." "Thank you. Look, one of my friends just got here. Let me introduce her to you." Before Arimi could answer, Hino-chan waved to her friend. "Ami-chan," she called out. "Ami-chan, over here!" Arimi recognized the girl Hino-chan called over. When the girl arrived, she stopped suddenly on seeing Arimi. Arimi bowed respectfully to the girl, which she returned hesitantly. "H-hello, M-M-Mizuno-chan," Arimi said. "Gin'no-chan," Mizuno-chan said. "I wasn't expecting you here." "You already know each other?" Hino-chan asked. "W-w-we g-go to th-the s-same s-s-school," Arimi answered. "She's the one I told you about," Mizuno-chan added. "Gin'no-chan?" Hino-chan said. "Yes, Gin'no-chan," Mizuno-chan confirmed. Arimi was confused by the exchange. Hino-chan noticed her puzzlement and explained. "Ami-chan told us about how she and you would always be top of the class in marks. She just never mentioned you by name," she said diplomatically. "Ah. I s-see," Arimi said. "I d-don't m-mean to c-cause M-Mizuno-chan pr-problems." "I'm sure you don't." Mizuno-chan oozed sarcasm. "I sh-sh-should g-get b-b-back t-to H-Hikaru-chan." "Why don't we settle it now?" "S-settle . . . ?" "Settle what?" Hino-chan asked. "Top student of our grade," Mizuno-chan explained. "Trial by video game. The winner gets to be top student. Simple, no?" "I s-s-suppose," Arimi said. "Ami-chan, may I see you for a moment?" Hino-chan said, dragging Mizuno-chan by the elbow. "We'll be back, Gin'no-chan." Hikaru arrived, having seen Mizuno-chan enter. She was curious about what might happen between Arimi and Mizuno-chan. "Hi, Arimi-chan. Are you sure you want to do this? Mizuno-chan is almost obsessed over being the best student." Arimi nodded. "I'm sure, Hikaru-chan. I'm glad you're here, though." "Just be careful around her, and watch the time." Mizuno-chan and Hino-chan returned from their heated discussion. "Do you still want to go through with this contest?" "I d-do, H-Hino-chan." Nudged by Hikaru, Arimi introduced her to Hino-chan. "So which game will the two geniuses play for this challenge?" "Maybe it should be a new game," Hikaru suggested. "I agree," Hino-chan said. "It should be fair to both." Mizuno-chan had a betrayed look on her face. "Fine," she snapped. Arimi only nodded. "So what type of game do you two want or not want?" "N-no f-fighting g-games, pl-please." "What about a racing game?" Mizuno-chan suggested. "A-a-are you s-sure, M-Mizuno-chan? I w-work on m-my f-father's c-car a l-lot." "Sounds fair. Minako-chan has been showing me how to play her favourite game." "The Grand-Prix one?" "That's the one." "Ami-chan . . . " Hino-chan sighed. "I-it's okay, H-Hino-chan," Arimi said. "Seishin'no-chan, could you ask the manager if he has any new racing games, please?" "Sure! Be right back!" Hikaru dashed off to find the manager, her pony tails flying behind her. An awkward silence fell on the remaining girls until Hikaru returned. "Takao-san said that there's a new one in the corner," she said. Hikaru led the girls to the video game. Two kids finished their race, then ran off. Arimi gave Mizuno-chan her choice of seats, then sat down herself. She looked over the controls; steering wheel, two-speed gear shift, accelerator, brake. "Best two out of three races?" Hikaru suggested. "Sounds good to me," Hino-chan agreed. "Arimi-chan?" "O-okay," Arimi said. "Ami-chan?" Hino-chan prompted. "Sure," Mizuno-chan answered. Arimi and Mizuno-chan inserted their tokens into the slot, then sat back, waiting for the flag to drop. Arimi had problems controlling her car. She spun out of control on the first few curves. Finally getting the hang of the game, she finished a lap behind Mizuno-chan. Arimi let out a breath of relief. Mizuno-chan was good at the game, so Arimi couldn't afford any problems in the second race. She and Mizuno-chan dropped their tokens into the game, starting the countdown for the second race. Arimi started better this time, keeping control of her car through the first turn. Mizuno-chan had a half car-length lead through most of the race, until they reached the hairpin turn in the third lap. Mizuno-chan went into the turn too fast, leaving Arimi an opening. Arimi took advantage. Mizuno-chan tried slipping back to the inside of the curve but wound up bouncing off Arimi's car. She pulled herself out of the spin, but could not catch up. Arimi won the second race by four car lengths. Arimi let go of the steering wheel and flexed her hands. Mizuno-chan wiped her hands on her skirt. The two girls glanced at each other, then returned their attention back to the screens. Once again, tokens were inserted. The countdown started; the flag dropped. Mizuno-chan started with a half car-length lead over Arimi. Arimi put her car into high gear as soon as her rpm went red and surged into a slim lead. She lost the lead when Mizuno-chan shifted gears. The two cars barreled through the computer generated traffic. Arimi checked the position map in the upper left corner. The approaching turn was where the track narrowed. Mizuno-chan was trying to squeeze into the inside lane, forcing Arimi to the edge of the track. Arimi refused to let herself be moved. Arimi emerged from the first turn in the lead. Mizuno-chan stayed tight on her rear tire, not giving Arimi much space to maneuver. The next curve was going to be in the other direction, giving Mizuno-chan the advantage. Arimi went wide to avoid a collision, allowing Mizuno-chan to retake the lead. The two girls drove at top speed to the hairpin turn. Arimi worked her way to the inside, but was forced to break off. The gorls came out of the turn on to the back straightaway almost dead even. Again, they floored the accelerator. Mizuno-chan had a small lead over Arimi, but again Arimi had the inside of the upcoming turn. Both players had to slow down to take the corner, then they opened the throttle as much as possible once through. On Arimi's screen, Mizuno-chan's car could not be seen. Arimi looked in the car's mirrors, but still couldn't find her. She could hear Mizuno-chan's engine whine, so she couldn't have lost control on the corner. Neither girl let up on the accelerator until crossing the finish line. Arimi released her grip on the steering wheel. She looked over at Mizuno-chan, who was leaning back in her seat. Mizuno-chan's expression changed as something flashed on screen. Arimi turned her attention back to hers. The game had gone to a photo finish, displaying both cars crossing the finish line at about the same time. The camera focused in on the front of the cars, getting closer. Still no clear winner. Finally, the resolution was lost before a winner was declared. A large banner saying "Tie!" replaced the photo finish. "What?" Mizuno-chan and Hikaru said, almost in unison. "That's not possible," Mizuno-chan continued. "How can a race end in a tie?" "Ami-chan," Hino-chan started, "it happened. You and Gin'no-chan are still the top students." "Arimi-chan, we're going to be late," Hikaru said. Arimi climbed out of the game. She turned and bowed to Mizuno-chan. "Th-thank-you for the g-game, M-Mizuno-chan." Hikaru took Arimi by the elbow. "We really have to leave. Bye, Hino-chan, Mizuno-chan." With Hino-chan and Mizuno-chan saying their farewells, Hikaru led Arimi out of the arcade and back to her home. They noticed Arimi's father's car parked in the driveway, and said "Hello" to him before going upstairs to Arimi's room. Leaving Hikaru to layout the evening's clothes, Arimi entered the bathroom. She prepared a hot shower, undressed, then stepped in. Letting the hot water flow over her, she felt a tenseness she didn't realize she had in her shoulders leave. She flexed her shoulders under the stream of water. Arimi lost track of the time she spent in the shower, only realizing that she was there longer than she expected when she felt the hot water grow cool. She quickly finished cleaning up and washed her hair while she was at it. Stepping out of the shower, Arimi towelled herself dry and put on a thick bathrobe. She sat down in front of the fogged mirror and started brushing her hair. 'Why me?' she asked herself. 'Why, Inoue-kun? I'm so plain, so shy, I can't be that interesting. There are others better looking, with longer legs. Hikaru-chan. Mizuno-chan. I'm sure either of them would love to go out with you. Why me?' Arimi lifted a strand of her wet hair and let it fall limply. Her reverie was broken by a knocking at the door. "Arimi-chan," Hikaru-called. "Ginny-chan and Emiko-chan are here." "I'll meet you in my room," Arimi answered. She listened to Hikaru's footfalls as she walked away, then got up. Feeling her stomach go queasy, Arimi placed a hand on the sink to steady herself. She put on her slippers and returned to her room. Arimi's friends soon joined her. Hikaru and Ginny sat down on the bed while Emiko helped Arimi sit in front of the mirror. "I think this is the first time we've seen your bedroom, Arimi-chan," Hikaru said. "It reminds me of my brother Dom's room," Ginny remarked as she looked at the posters of cars and engines on the walls. "No pictures of your favourite stars?" Arimi turned around in the chair and pointed sheepishly above Ginny's head. Ginny craned her neck to see a brightly coloured picture of a giant robot from "Mecha Academy". "I should have known," Ginny said. She turned to face Arimi and saw that her friend's cheeks were bright crimson. "Emiko-chan, we didn't have to bring the extra blush. Arimi-chan doesn't really need it." Arimi's blush grew deeper. Emiko turned Arimi back to face the mirror. "Don't mind her, Arimi-chan," Emiko said. "Let's see what we can do with your hair." She picked up Arimi's brush and started brushing Arimi's silver hair. Spotting a hair dryer on the top of Arimi's dresser, Emiko reached over and picked it up. "Th-thank you, Emiko-chan," Arimi said as Emiko started drying her hair, "but I don't think I can go tonight." "More cold feet, Arimi-chan?" Hikaru asked. "It's not that, Hikaru-chan. I'm not feeling well." Emiko stepped aside so that she was visible in the mirror beside Arimi. She traced a line over her stomach. "You feel sick around here, right?" "H-how did you know?" Arimi asked, astonished. "I know how to fix it. Hikaru-chan, take over for me, please. Arimi-chan, may I use your kitchen?" "S-sure, Emiko-chan," Arimi said, puzzled. Emiko ran off downstairs, leaving Hikaru to finish drying Arimi's hair. Ginny shrugged. "How does she know how to make you feel better?" Arimi shrugged. Hikaru answered, "It must be that touch of hers. If she can heal, then she must know what the cause is." "Then why didn't she just heal me like that?" Arimi asked, then grimaced as her stomach heaved. "I can't do this." Hikaru shut off the hair dryer. "Sure you can, Arimi-chan. Be brave." "I'm trying to, Hikaru-chan." Arimi grimaced again as another wave of nausea hit. Ginny grabbed a wastebasket and put it beside Arimi. "Here," Ginny said. "Use this if you feel worse." "Th-thanks, Ginny-chan." Emiko returned to Arimi's room carrying a steaming cup. She placed the cup in front of Arimi. "Drink this," Emiko said. Arimi gingerly picked up the cup and took a sip. "That's it, Arimi-chan. This will help." Arimi drank another mouthful. "Thank you, Emiko-chan. It is helping. My stomach isn't flip-flopping as much." "Is it some sort of herbal remedy?" Hikaru asked. "Just tea and honey," Emiko answered. "H-how did you know this would help?" Arimi asked. "Let me ask you a few questions, Arimi-chan, okay?" When Arimi nodded, Emiko continued, "Did you sleep at all last night?" "I got some sleep, yes." "Some?" Emiko arched an eyebrow. "I had trouble getting to sleep," Arimi admitted. "Thought so, And before you fell asleep, you were thinking about tonight, right?" Arimi nodded. "Yes." "And you imagined every way that your date with Inoue-kun could go wrong." Arimi nodded again. "Wow, Emiko-chan," Hikaru exclaimed. "Are you a mind reader, too?" "Not at all. I've been through what Arimi-chan's feeling." Emiko knelt down beside Arimi. "Arimi-chan, you're worrying yourself sick. I'm not going to tell you to relax; that won't help you. I am the same way before a concert. I keep imagining everything that can go wrong." "I kept seeing me messing up," Arimi said. "Everything I did went wrong. I was a klutz compared to I-I-I-In-" Arimi gave up in frustration. "I still can't say his name." "I do that, too, Arimi-chan. The tea will help settle your stomach, but you'll have to settle your mind yourself." "It's not going to be as bad as you imagine," Ginny added. "The dates with Richard I remember best are the ones that don't go as planned. Did I ever mention the time Richard and I went to Coney Island?" "Maybe now's not a good time for that, Ginny-chan," Hikaru said. "I'll finish your hair and make-up after you're dressed, Arimi-chan," Emiko said. Hikaru, Ginny, and Emiko stepped out of the room to let Arimi get dressed. Arimi stared at the dress, then slipped into her underwear. She picked up her dress and hesitated. 'What are you waiting for?' she asked herself. 'You've gotten this far, Gin'no; there's no turning back.' Steeling herself, Arimi put on her dress. She fussed with the sleeves and the hem. Giving up, she called her friends back in the room. "That dress really does suit you," Hikaru remarked. Arimi tried to fix her hems again. "Something happened to the dress. It's not fitting properly." Ginny walked over and started pulling at the dress. "It still fits you like at the store." "It was comfortable at the store," Arimi explained. "I don't know what happened." "It's not the dress that's uncomfortable, Arimi-chan," Emiko said. "It's you." Emiko lead Arimi to her bed and sat her down. "You're worrying too much. Once your date gets going, you'll feel much better." "Do you really think so?" Arimi asked hopefully. "I do." "What time is Eiji-kun supposed to arrive?" Ginny asked. "He should be here . . . " Arimi looked at her alarm clock, "in fifteen minutes," she groaned. "I'm going to be late." "Don't worry about it," Hikaru said. "You don't see me getting upset because I'm late." "Hikaru-chan and I will wait downstairs for Eiji-kun," Ginny said, seeing Arimi's reaction to Hikaru's statement. "We'll come get you when he's here. Okay, Arimi-chan?" "A-alright," Arimi agreed. Ginny and Hikaru returned downstairs, leaving Emiko and Arimi alone. Emiko had Arimi sit back in front of the mirror and helped her put on her make-up. "Arimi-chan, please stop fidgeting," Emiko asked as she tried to apply blush on Arimi's cheeks. "S-sorry." Arimi let out a sigh. "Emiko-chan? Do you think that, well, that th-this c-could b-b-be, you know . . . ?" "Could be what, Arimi-chan?" "Y-you kn-know. That h-he c-could b-be the one?" "The one? The one for you?" "Yes." "I . . . I really don't know, Arimi-chan," Emiko answered. "He could be." "H-how can I tell?" "Some people just know, like Ginny-chan and her boyfriend. Others may need some time to find out." "Oh." "You sound disappointed." "I guess," Arimi said. "I was hoping, sorta, th-that, um, I-I-I-In-" "That Inoue-kun will be the one?" Emiko finished for Arimi. Arimi nodded. "Sounds silly, doesn't it?" Emiko smiled at Arimi. "No, it doesn't Arimi-chan. Why couldn't he? You deserve happiness with someone as much as anyone else." The doorbell rang. "He's here," Arimi said. "Emiko-chan, I'm scared." "Everything will be okay, Arimi-chan. I promise. Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen. Let me finish your hair, first." "B-but I'll b-be late." "Fashionably late, not Hikaru-chan late." Someone knocked at the door. "Arimi-chan, Eiji-kun is here," Ginny called. "She'll be right down," Emiko called back. Lowering her voice, she continued, "I'm done here, Arimi-chan. Let me see you." Arimi stood up and faced Emiko. "Do you think I-I-In- . . . he'll like me in this?" "He'd like even if you were in your dirty coveralls." "Then why can't I wear -" "I was joking, Arimi-chan," Emiko interrupted gently. "Oh." Arimi paused. "Can I have a couple of minutes to myself, please?" Emiko smiled. "Sure, but not too long. You don't want to keep Inoue-kun waiting." "I won't. Please wait for me." Emiko nodded, then left the room. Arimi looked at her reflection in the mirror. 'She looks like me,' she thought. 'She just doesn't seem like me.' Arimi waved at her reflection, then straightened up. 'Okay, Gin'no-chan. Time to go.' -**- Ginny waited outside Arimi's door. Seeing Emiko come out of the room, Ginny asked softly, "How is she doing?" Emiko closed the door gently. "As well as expected." "That bad, huh?" Emiko shook her head. "Arimi-chan wasn't ready for anything like this. She still can't say Inoue-kun's name." "Tell me about it. If she tried to back out again . . ." Ginny let her voice trail off. "If we can get her downstairs to Inoue-kun, she'll be okay." Arimi's door opened, and Arimi stepped out into the hall. "I'm ready," she stated. "I think." "Arimi-chan, you look wonderful," Ginny praised. "Eiji-kun won't believe it's you." "H-he w-won't?" "Ginny-chan is just joking, Arimi-chan," Emiko said, glaring at Ginny. "What she means is that Inoue-kun will find you very beautiful." "R-really?" "Really," Ginny assured. "Everything will be okay." "Are you ready, Arimi-chan?" Emiko asked. "No, but he's waiting for me," Arimi answered. "I just want Papa to see me first, okay?" "Sure, Arimi-chan," Ginny said. "I'll keep Eiji-kun busy while you're with your father." Ginny returned downstairs. Emiko helped Arimi get downstairs and into the dining room to see her father. "Papa?" Arimi said hesitantly. Arimi's father looked up from his book. He blinked twice. "My god, Arimi," he said. "You look like your mother in that dress." "I do?" Arimi ran over to her father's side and hugged him. "Thank you, Papa." She kissed him on the cheek. Beaming happily, Arimi walked into the family room, followed by her father and Emiko. "H-h-h-hello, I-I-I-In-" Arimi stammered. "It's okay, Arimi-chan," Emiko whispered behind her. "Don't try to force anything." Arimi gave up trying to say Eiji's name and bowed to him. Eiji returned the bow, and then said, "Hello. You look great, Arimi-chan." Arimi felt her ears and cheeks grow hot. "Th-th-th-thanks," she mumbled, casting her eyes to the floor. "What do you two have planned for tonight?" Arimi's father asked. "I was hoping that Arimi-chan would like to go to dinner and a movie." Eiji turned to address Arimi. "Is that alright with you?" "I know just the place for dinner," Hikaru said. Arimi felt the pit of her stomach drop. 'Please, no more "help", Hikaru-chan,' she pleaded silently. "I-i-it's okay, H-H-" "Cafe Shingari?" Ginny asked. "Yep," Hikaru answered. "It's quiet, cozy, and the food is amazing." "Is that alright with you, Arimi-chan?" Emiko asked. Uncertain, Arimi nodded. "Great, Arimi-chan. Why don't we go now?" Eiji said. Arimi and Eiji made their way to the front door. Arimi's friends whispered words of encouragement as she passed by. Finally, the two left on their date. Emiko, Ginny, and Hikaru gave them a few minutes before saying their own good-byes to Arimi's father. "Do you two have any plans for tonight?" Emiko asked. "I'm feeling a bit hungry, actually," Hikaru said. "So what else is new?" Ginny said. "Where do you feel like going?" "Oh, no, you two," Emiko warned. "I know what you're thinking, Hikaru-chan." "I feel bad about what Arimi-chan's gone through this week. I just want to make sure she's okay, Emiko-chan," Hikaru explained. "What will she think of you if she catches you spying on her?" Emiko asked. "We have to let her handle herself. Besides, what could happen at dinner and a movie?" "There was the time when Richard and I were almost caught while-" Ginny blushed slightly. "Ah, you don't want to know. It's something that Arimi-chan definitely isn't ready for." "Inoue-kun wouldn't do anything to Arimi-chan." "Probably not, no," Hikaru agreed. "Unless he misunderstands Arimi-chan. I wasn't going to interfere unless Arimi-chan really needed help." "You saw how frightened she looked when she met Eiji-kun tonight," Ginny said. "She could barely speak." "If it makes you feel better, then go," Emiko said. "But I'm going with you. Someone has to keep you two out of trouble." -**- Arimi and Eiji walked side by side down the block. Eiji smiled at Arimi, who shyly returned the smile before looking down at the sidewalk. 'Keep calm, Gin'no-chan,' Arimi berated herself. 'He's going to get the idea that you don't want to be here.' Arimi made herself look up into his eyes. 'See? That wasn't hard. Look how soft his eyes his eyes are.' "Arimi-chan?" Eiji said Arimi's reverie broke. "Hmm?" "Is it much further?" "N-n-n-no," Arimi answered. "I-i-i-it's o-o-o- " Arimi gave up trying to explain. Feeling her cheeks grow hot, she returned her gaze back to the sidewalk. 'It's not far, Inoue-kun,' she thought, 'and I'd love to tell you this, but I can't. I can't say a word around you.' Arimi and Eiji walked the rest of the way to Cafe Shingari in silence, side by side. Arimi kept her eyes turned to the pavement, and only gave hand signals to direct Eiji to the cafe. At the cafe, Eiji held the door open for Arimi, causing her to blush once again. They found an empty table and waited for Miyako to arrive with menus. "Ah, Gin'no-chan," Miyako said when she arrived at the table. "I was wondering if you'd be in tonight. Is this him?" "Y-y-y- " Arimi gave up and nodded. "Hi, I'm Inoue Eiji," Eiji introduced himself. Miyako placed a menu in front of Arimi and Eiji as she returned the introduction. "Juukuno Miyako. Would either of you like something to drink while you're waiting?" she asked. "A coffee for me, please, Jikuuno-san," Eiji said. "And for you, Gin'no-chan?" Arimi tried to answer, but she wasn't able to make a sound. Miyako, seeing the trouble Arimi was having, said, "Gin'no-chan, may I see you in the ladies' room? Your make-up could use some touching up." Arimi nodded uncertainly and followed Miyako to the women's washroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. "I-I d-don't see anything wr-wrong, J-Jikuuno-san." "Emiko-chan did a great job with your make-up. I just wanted to talk to you alone, Gin'no-chan," Miyako explained. "You were having a rough time speaking out there. Is there a problem?" "I-I-I can't say anything around I-I-I-In- around him," Arimi cried. "Then how did you - I see. Hikaru-chan answered for you, right?" "She did. I couldn't answer at all." "And she said 'yes' when you would have said 'no'." Arimi nodded. "I was looking forward to tonight, though, until this morning. I wanted to go out tonight, but now . . . " Arimi hung her head. "Your date's not going as you pictured it?" "It's going exactly how I pictured it. You saw me out there, Jikuuno-san. I couldn't even order." "We can take care of that here. What do you two have planned after here?" "A movie." "That's good. You're not supposed to talk in a movie. Which one?" "I - I don't know. J-Jikuuno-san, h-he w-wouldn't ask m-me wh-which one, w-would h-he?" "I'll bring a newspaper around for you, so you can decide." Miyako placed her hands on Arimi's shoulders. "Gin'no-chan, stop worrying. Inoue-kun looks like a nice boy. Give him a chance. Give yourself a chance." "I-I'll try. Wh-what should I do if he wants me to talk?" "Try your best. If he wants a decision, let him make it. Takao-kun loves it when I let him do that. I usually get my way, anyway. Now, what would you like for dinner?" "I don't think I can eat," Arimi said glumly. "Then I'll get you the soup of the day. You don't have to eat it all, but at least try eating some of it. Let's get you back. Your boy is going to wonder where you are." -**- Hikaru, Ginny, and Emiko arrived at the Cafe Shingari. Ginny and Hikaru crouched down behind the flower planter. Emiko sighed and looked around. "There she is." Hikaru pointed out Arimi for Ginny. Arimi and Eiji were just sitting down at their table. "She doesn't look to good," Ginny remarked. "What are you two doing down there?" Emiko asked. "What if someone sees you - ulp!" Her question was cut off as Hikaru and Ginny pulled her down with them. "Emiko-chan, Arimi-chan could have seen you there," Hikaru chided. "What about anyone who walks by?" "Shh!" Ginny said. "Miyako-san's taking their orders." "I can't believe you two." Emiko shifted herself so that her back was against the planter. "Hush, Emiko-chan," Hikaru whispered. "Hikaru-chan, they're inside," Emiko said in a normal tone of voice. "They can't hear us. We can't hear them, either." "Where are they going?" Ginny asked. Inside, Arimi and Miyako disappeared into the back. "Emiko-chan?" "I'm not watching, how would I know? Maybe the ladies' room for all I know." "Aren't you concerned about Arimi-chan?" Hikaru asked. "Of course I am," Emiko answered, "but I know she can handle herself. She needs to find out that she can, and us spying on her won't help her." "You saw how she looked in there, Emiko-chan," Ginny said. "Trust me, nothing bad will happen to her." "You saw her date already, didn't you, Emiko-chan?" Hikaru said. "Hikaru-chan!" "You did! How'd it turn out? Did Arimi-chan get kissed? That would be *so* romantic." "It doesn't work that way, Hikaru-chan. My visions of the future are all symbolic. I saw a symbolic representation of Arimi's date, if that was what I saw and not my next math exam." "She's back," Ginny announced. Inside, Arimi returned to her chair. She and Eiji sat quietly, watching each other. "I should have loaned her one of my magazines," Hikaru said. "She shouldn't be doing nothing like that." "What would you have her do?" Hikaru and Ginny startled at hearing Miyako's voice. "Emiko-chan, I expect this sort of behaviour from these two, but you? I thought you were better than this." Miyako stood over the three girls with her hands behind her back. "Miyako-san!" Hikaru exclaimed. "I'm trying to keep these two out of trouble," Emiko explained. "I can think of easier things to do, like invent time travel," Miyako remarked. "Shouldn't you be inside getting their dinner?" Ginny asked. "I still have a couple of minutes. I thought you might appreciate these." Miyako brought three steaming cups from behind her back. "Thank you, Miyako-san," Hikaru said as she took one of the styrofoam cups. Ginny patted herself down. "Um, I seem to have spent all my allowance getting souvenirs for my sisters today. Hikaru-chan, can I borrow the money from you?" "Sure, Ginny-chan." Hikaru looked through her purse. "Uh-oh, I think I spent all of mine while I was with Arimi-chan this afternoon." "Honestly, you two," Emiko said. She fished out the money to pay Miyako. "I'll take care of it." "Thank you, Emiko-chan," Miyako said. "I better get back in before their dinner is burnt." -**- Arimi pushed aside her soup. She was surprised at how much of it she finished, but she still left her bowl a third full. As promised, Miyako brought out a newspaper to help Arimi and Eiji choose a movie. As Arimi feared, Eiji asked her which movie she wanted to see. As Arimi expected, she couldn't answer. Fortunately, Miyako had stayed long enough to see if Arimi needed help and read out the names of the movies at the nearest theatre. Agreeing on a movie, Arimi and Eiji left the cafe and walked again in silence. Arimi felt her heart pound louder the closer she walked bedide Eiji. She glanced furtively at him, wondering if he was going through the same turmoil as she was. If Eiji was, he didn't show it. 'Think, Gin'no, think,' Arimi berated herself. 'You're not a lump. What would the others do?' Arimi stumbled slightly. She felt her cheeks grow hot. 'Maybe not Ginny-chan.' "Arimi-chan? Are you alright?" Eiji asked, seeing her stumble. "S-s-s-s-sorry," Arimi stuttered. 'Hikaru-chan . . . Hikaru-chan would know . . . What would Hikaru-chan do? She'd be able to talk for one. No, Arimi, don't start that. What else would Hikaru-chan do? Of course! She keeps mentioning it. She'd hold his hand.' Arimi moved closer to Eiji, trying to ignore the pounding of her heart. Walking side by side with him, she looked up. Arimi was certain Eiji could hear her heart beat. Awkwardly, uncertainly, Arimi reached out and touched Eiji's arm. Turning his head, Eiji smiled at Arimi, causing her to blush. He crooked his elbow, letting Arimi wrap her arm around his. -**- "She did it!" "Hikaru-chan, hush. Arimi-chan'll hear you." "Are you two satisfied yet that Arimi-chan will be alright?" Hikaru turned around. "Emiko-chan . . . " "I don't know, Emiko-chan," Ginny said. "She looked uncomfortable. I've never seen Arimi-chan trip before." "Ginny-chan, weren't you nervous on your first date?" Emiko asked. "Not at all," Ginny answered. "You, Hikaru-chan?" "I don't think I would be." Hikaru glared at Ginny. Emiko raised her hand to her forehead. "I should have asked a normal girl." "Who are you saying is not normal?" Hikaru and Ginny asked in unison. -**- Arimi and Eiji arrived at the theatre. After a short wait in line, they got their tickets. Arimi let Eiji do all the ordering at the snack bar, but she wound up having to point to the drink she wanted. She silently berated herself for not being able to do something so simple, especially in front of Eiji. 'You're looking like a kid,' she told herself. 'Just try to get through the movie.' -**- "Do either of you even know what movie they're going to see?" Emiko asked as she, Hikaru, and Ginny joined the line-up to the theatre. "Movie? Um, Ginny-chan?" Hikaru said. "I knew we forgot something," Ginny admitted. "Look, all we have to do is look at all the movie titles and pick the one that Arimi-chan is most likely to watch." "I hope it's something romantic." "Arimi at something romantic? Hikaru-chan, that's not very likely." "Maybe one of us should go see which movie they get tickets for," Hikaru suggested. "Can't be me," Ginny said. "I kinda stand out in a crowd. Emiko-chan, could you go?" "Me?" Emiko said. "I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything to Arimi-chan and her date." "Exactly. Hikaru-chan isn't subtle, and she could let herself be seen by Arimi-chan." "Hey!" Hikaru exclaimed. "Ginny-chan, how can you say that?" "It's true," Ginny explained. "You don't mean to call attention to yourself, but you'd do something to get Arimi-chan to notice you. Emiko-chan is much better at being sneaky." "I think I resent that," Emiko said. "No-one's recognized you yet tonight," Ginny pointed out. "Alright, I'll go." "Thank you, Emiko-chan!" Hikaru said. "Keep it down, will you?" Ginny scolded. "You want Arimi-chan to hear us?" "Sorry, Ginny-chan," Hikaru said softly. Emiko slipped off, leaving her comrades to their friendly bickering. She walked purposefully towards the theatre's entrance. 'I can't believe I'm doing this,' she thought to her self. 'Arimi-chan should be able to take care of herself. So why am I doing this?' She stopped and sighed silently. 'Why? Because I want to make sure that Arimi-chan is okay, too. She's a scared little girl.' Emiko started walking again, and reached the box office in time to see Eiji ask for tickets to "The Zombie's Curse". 'That's an odd choice, Inoue-kun. I hope Arimi likes that type of movie.' Emiko returned to her squabbling friends. People in front and behind them in line gave them much more space than normal. Emiko briefly considered acting like she didn't know them, then joined Hikaru and Ginny. "They're seeing 'The Zombie's Curse'," she informed her friends. "Isn't that a horror movie?" Hikaru asked. "Sounds like one to me," Ginny said. "I hate horror movies," Hikaru wailed. "Why couldn't they see a nice romantic movie?" "It looked like Eiji-kun chose the movie, Hikaru-chan," Emiko said. "Poor Arimi-chan," Ginny said. "For all we know, she could like that type of movie. Remember her room?" "I suppose . . . " Ginny said doubtfully. "Are we going into the movie?" Hikaru asked plaintively. "Finally, someone else with a bit of sense," Emiko said. "It's not that," Hikaru explained. "I really don't like horror movies." "We're almost at the front," Ginny pointed out. "Better decide fast, Hikaru-chan." "Okay, we'll go in. Just remember that I don't like - " "Horror movies," Emiko finished. "I guess I'm paying again?" -**- Arimi and Eiji found a seat where they could comfortably see the screen. They arranged the popcorn between them so that both of them could get to it without spilling it all over. The lights dimmed, and the curtains opened to show preview trailers of movies to be released. Arimi settled back into her seat. She made notes of a couple of movies that she might like to see, if it didn't interfere with her studies. Several more people entered the theatre during the previews. 'Almost like Hikaru-chan,' Arimi thought to herself. She let that train of thought derail as the movie's credits started. Taking a sip of her drink, Arimi glanced surreptitiously at Eiji. He seemed to be getting drawn into the movie even in the first few minutes. Arimi tried to enjoy the movie, but her mind kept wondering what Eiji was doing. She looked around the darkened theatre, trying to see what other couples were doing. One couple intrigued Arimi. They were about Arimi's age. The girl had her head on her date's shoulder. Arimi glanced again at Eiji. If Eiji's shoulder was lower, Arimi might try later. She shifted closer to Eiji, though, and turned her attention back to the movie. Arimi reached absent-mindedly for a handful of popcorn. To her surprise, she didn't grab any. Instead, she held Eiji's hand in hers. She looked up and found Eiji looking back at her. Arimi blushed, but didn't look away. On screen, something happened to cause a scream in the crowd. Arimi buried her head in Eiji's shoulder. He placed his arm around shoulders, holding her close to him. -**- Ginny clamped her hand over Hikaru's mouth. "Keep it down," Ginny whispered harshly. "Arimi-chan could have heard you." "Sorry, Ginny-chan," Hikaru apologized after Ginny took away her hand. "The movie scared me." "You're not supposed to watch the movie. You're supposed to be looking for Arimi-chan." "It's too dark. I can't see anything but the movie." "Both of you hush," Emiko told her friends, "before we're kicked out." -**- Guerre's Shadow looked over the park. Former lovers, Discordia's victims started gathering, Jiri and An among them. Guerre appeared beside his Shadow. "How goes your plan?" the general asked. "Well, General Guerre," the Shadow replied. "I am ready to unleash them on the park." "Lady Muerte is looking for results, Discordia. Do not disappoint her, or me." Guerre disappeared. Discordia looked at the space Guerre had occupied, then turned to his victims. "Go forth, my army," he called. "Bring more under my master's sway." -**- Arimi hadn't paid much attention to the movie once she was in Eiji's arms. She was only aware that the movie ended only because the lights came on. Arimi kept close to Eiji as they left the theatre, not wanting to lose the feeling she had during the movie. They walked aimlessly through the downtown streets. Arimi didn't care where they were going, and didn't want to break the mood to ask. "Arimi-chan, there's a park nearby," Eiji said. "Would - would you like to go there and sit for a while?" Arimi looked up and blinked. "S-s-s-s-s-sure," she answered quietly. 'Sit? Please, Inoue-kun, I can't talk tonight. Please don't make me try.' As if he could read her thoughts, Eiji said, "We don't have to talk. We can sit and watch the stars or the river. That okay with you?" "Y-y-y-y-y-yes." The two walked arm in arm to the park. -**- Ginny and Hikaru ran out of the theatre, dragging Emiko behind them. Looking frantically, neither girl could find Arimi. "How could you lose them? Ginny accused Hikaru. "Me? I couldn't see through the crowd," Hikaru shot back. "You're tall enough, why could you see them?" "I was too busy trying not to trip over you." "Beeda!" Hikaru stuck her tongue at Ginny. "Stop it!" Emiko yelled. "Both of you." Ginny and Hikaru turned to face her. "You lost Arimi-chan. Can we go now?" "Sorry, Emiko-chan," Hikaru said. "I'm just concerned about Arimi-chan." "I'm sorry, too, Emiko-chan," Ginny added. "You're right, we should just go." "Thank you," Emiko said. "I know you care. I care about her, too, but this isn't the way to show it. We have to let Arimi-chan take care of herself. There's a park near here, I think. Why don't we go there and relax?" "That's it!" Hikaru exclaimed. "You're thinking it too, huh, Hikaru-chan?" Ginny asked. "Oh, please don't start . . . " Emiko moaned. Hikaru ignored Emiko. "That's where they're going, right, Ginny-chan?" "Must be," Ginny answered. "Thank you, Emiko-chan." "Don't pin the idea on me," Emiko said. "That's so romantic of Eiji-kun, taking Arimi-chan somewhere where they can be alone and sit and talk and hold hands and - " "And other things," Ginny interrupted. "Don't tell us. You and Richard-kun did many of these 'other things', right?" Emiko asked. "How did you know?" Ginny was genuinely surprised. -**- The park was quiet as Arimi and Eiji walked through it. They found a bench facing the river and sat. Arimi snuggled close to Eiji as she stared at the moonlight reflecting off the water. 'Please don't let tonight end,' she prayed. Looking up to the night sky, she gazed at the stars. She found the constellation Draco. To Arimi, it seemed that the head of the Dragon was watching her. Normally, she would have dismissed that as a silly notion. Tonight, instead, she smiled at the stars. "Arimi-chan?" Eiji said softly, to get her attention. 'Inoue-kun, please don't make me break the mood,' she pleaded silently. "Y-y-y-yes?" Arimi didn't try to say his name. "I really enjoyed tonight." Arimi didn't expect Eiji to say that. "Y-y-y-you d-d-d-did?" "I did." He looked into her eyes. "I enjoyed being with you." "B-b-b-but I c-c-can't e-ev-ven s-s-sp-speak." "I know. I knew you were shy, Arimi-chan. It's one of the things I find cute about you." 'He finds me cute?' "It didn't matter to me if you said anything tonight, Arimi-chan. I just wanted to be with you. You could be struck speechless, and I'd still want to be with you." Arimi wrapped her arms around Eiji, her eyes filling with tears. "Th-th-thank y-you. I w-w-want t-t-t-to b-be w-w-w-with y-y-y-you, t-t-t-too." Eiji leaned down, closing his eyes. Arimi closed hers, and raised her head. "Isn't that sweet," a voice said behind them. Arimi's blood turned cold. "Looks like I missed you two somehow. No matter." Arimi and Eiji stood up and spun to face their tormentor. They saw a dark figure standing in front of several men and women. The men and women were in a trance, and stood silently. 'One of Muerte's Shadows,' Arimi realized. 'Why tonight of all nights? Why just before my first kiss?' "Stay back, Arimi-chan," Eiji ordered, putting himself between her and the Shadow. "I-I-I-I-In-" Arimi cursed herself for not being able to say his name. 'What'll I do?' she asked herself. 'I can't let him get hurt, but I can't transform in front of him. Inoue-kun, please be careful.' "That's so cute, boy, protecting your girlfriend like that," the Shadow taunted. "I'll have you both in my master's army, whether you resist or not." -**- "There's something wrong," Ginny said as she and her friends entered the park. "What is it?" Hikaru asked, looking around. "It's quiet," Emiko answered. "What could possibly be wrong?" "It's quiet. It's Saturday night, and the park is quiet. No-one's talking," Ginny explained. "I'll bet you and Richard-kun never talked much either," Emiko said. "We'd still be hearing something, Emiko-chan." "Like what?" Hikaru asked. Ginny stared at Hikaru. "Sounds. You know." "No, Ginny-chan. What kind of sounds?" "Never mind, Hikaru-chan," Emiko said, saving Ginny some discomfort. "Ginny-chan will tell you later." She turned to Ginny. "Are you sure? Maybe no-one's here." Ginny pointed at a group of people in the park. "Oh? They're here." "There's Jiri-kun and An-chan," Hikaru noticed. "I thought they broke up Thursday. They were yelling every time they saw each other. It's good to see them back together. Maybe they know where Arimi-chan is." Ginny and Emiko held Hikaru back. "I've got a bad feeling, Hikaru-chan," Emiko said. "Look at their eyes," Ginny said. "They're not in control." "Did Muerte do this?" Hikaru asked. "Probably," Emiko answered. "We have to find Arimi-chan!" Hikaru broke away from her friends and ran into the park. Ginny and Emiko quickly followed her. Jiri, An, and the other victims also followed. "<>" Ginny swore. "You two keep going. I'll take care of them." "No, Ginny-chan," Hikaru said. "They can't help it if they're under Muerte's control. We have to find her Shadow." "Hikaru-chan's right," Emiko agreed. "We can outrun them." The three girls ran through the park as fast as they could. When they had some distance on the pack, they ducked into the bushes and stayed low. They tried to stay as quiet as possible, waiting for the pack to pass them. Hearing the pack's footsteps pass by, they slowly got up, and moved deeper into the park. "Where now?" Emiko puffed. "Good question," Ginny said. "I don't know the park at all. Hikaru-chan, where would you go?" "There's some benches near the waterfront," Hikaru answered. "They might be busy, but it's a good spot for people to sit and watch the ocean." "It's a start," Emiko said. The girls made their way through the park, trying to avoid any of Discordia's victims. They grew jittery as the wind blew through the trees' leaves, making the shadows move. They soon reached the waterfront, where the river branched from the ocean. Hearing a commotion, the girls went to investigate. "Stay back, Arimi-chan," they heard Eiji say. They saw him put himself between Arimi and Muerte's Shadow Warrior. "Arimi-chan!" Hikaru started to say. "Don't, Hikaru-chan," Emiko said. "Emiko-chan, Arimi could get hurt," Hikaru said. "Don't. Arimi-chan can take care of herself." "Against a Shadow by herself?" Ginny asked, pulling out her transformation pen. "Let's go, Hikaru-chan." "No." Emiko grabbed Ginny's arm. "We have to let Arimi-chan do this herself." "Are you out of your mind?" "Ginny-chan, we can't keep protecting her. If she needs our help, we'll go, but we have to let her do this herself." -**- Eiji launched himself at Discordia. The Shadow merely sneered, then backhanded Eiji. He flew across the pavement, then rolled against the retaining wall. Arimi ran over to him. "Eiji-kun!" she yelled. She knelt beside him. "Eiji-kun, are you - are you alright?" "Arimi-chan," he groaned. "You . . . you said my name." He lost consciousness. "Protecting your boyfriend?" Discordia sneered. "No matter. You're next." Arimi stood up. "How *dare* you?" she demanded. "How *dare* you interrupt our date? Everything was going so well, I was finally relaxing, then you showed up." Arimi produced her transformation pen. "Draco Star Power . . . Make Up!" Silver-white energy surround Arimi as she transformed into Sailor Draco. As the energy cleared, Sailor Draco pointed her staff at the Shadow. "You interrupted a young girl's first date and her first kiss. I cannot forgive you! I am the pretty Sailor-Soldier of love and honour, Sailor Draco! In the name of the Dragon and of the Stars, I will punish you!" "I was warned about you meddling Senshi," Discordia said. "Minions, attack!" -**- Arimi's friends watched her transform. Hearing her speech, Ginny remarked, "I've never seen Arimi-chan that upset." "Me either," Hikaru added. "She's doing well," Emiko stated. "Remind me never to piss her off," Ginny said. -**- Discordia's army of victims charged at Sailor Draco. Draco easily dodged them, using her staff to vault over their heads. The Shadow charged. Draco stood her ground, holding her staff in front of her. The Shadow drew its arm back, poised to strike. Draco ducked, and shot her staff in front of her. The staff impaled the Shadow, driving it back. Draco stood up straight, holding up her staff. "Talon . . . " she intoned, bringing her staff in a full circle in front of her. "Strike!" she finished, pointing the staff at the Shadow. Five silver rays clawed out, raking the Shadow, destroying it. The Shadow's victims collapsed to the ground. Not waiting to rest, Draco ran over to Eiji. She knelt down beside him. "Eiji-kun, please wake up," she whispered. She gently slapped him. Eiji's eyes fluttered open. "Wh-where - ?" He looked up into Sailor Draco's face. "The Sailor Senshi? Where is Arimi-chan?" "She's safe," Draco answered softly. "Just take your time. She's waiting for you at the entrance." She stood up. "Wait," Eiji called. "How did you know?" Draco melted into the shadows of the bushes, leaving Eiji staring. -**- Hikaru finally blinked. "Wow. I never realized . . . " "That Sailor Draco could do that?" Emiko finished. "I know. We all thought she couldn't take care of herself." "Not after that," Ginny said. "I can't believe that was the same girl." "What now?" Hikaru asked. "We have to help the Shadow's victims," Emiko said. "Let Eiji leave first," Ginny said. "He doesn't need to know we're here either." -**- Arimi arrived at the entrance. She had changed back while running through the trees. She hated to leave Eiji behind like she did, but she didn't want him to know about her secret. Meiou-sensei had drilled it into her and the other Stellars that no-one should know about their Senshi identities, as much as she wanted to tell Eiji. She saw her classmates, Jiri and An, leave the park together. Both were woozy. Arimi put that to being the Shadow's victims. She was happy that they could get back together despite what the Shadow did. Hearing footsteps running behind her, Arimi turned around. Eiji swept her in to a hug that she returned. "Arimi-chan, you're safe," he said with relief. "Eiji-kun!" Arimi exclaimed. "I w-w-was s-so w-w-worried." "It's okay, Arimi-chan," Eiji reassured. "One of the Sailor Senshi took care of the Shadow. She told me where I could find you. I wish I knew which one she was. She wore a silver uniform." "S-Sailor Dr-Draco," Arimi answered. "Sh-she h-h-helped m-me g-get away." She hugged Eiji tighter. Arimi and Eiji stared into each others eyes. Again, they moved their lips slowly closer. Arimi closed her eyes and ignored the beating of her heart. They kissed.