Sailor Moon - Generation Gap Chapter 8: Tour at Night Usagi collapsed on her bed. Fighting that last shadow had been difficult - more difficult than any of the others. Worse still, Ami's analysis of the video game's remains showed that the game had stored energy - Senshi energy; energy drained from any Senshi who had touched the game - and that the shadow used the stored energy. Ami was still examining the remains to get more information. Usagi heard the phone ring. She ignored it, letting someone else in the house answer it. She lay back in bed, trying to figure out what Muerte's plans were. Her mother interrupted, calling up for Usagi to take the call. Reluctantly, Usagi answered the phone, only to here a sobbing An. "An-chan, what's wrong?" Usagi asked. "It's me and Jiri," An said, crying. "We . . . we . . . oh, Usagi-chan, we broke up!" "I - I don't know what to say . . . . " "Usagi-chan, I need to talk to someone." "You're at home right now?" Usagi asked. "Uh-huh." "I'll be right over, An-chan." -**- Sailor Mercury ran her computer over the remains of the Sailor Moon video game yet again. The mystery of the game was solved - a plot by Muerte or one of her henchmen - but it added to the mystery of the other Senshi. Mercury hated unsolved mysteries and their loose ends. "Well?" Sailor Mars asked expectantly. She brushed her dark bangs out of her eyes. "There's not much more I can say, Mars," Mercury said. ""I've picked up eight distinct energy patterns. Five of them I recognize as ours. The other three . . . I need to analyze the wave forms before I can say more." "That's more than we knew before." "It doesn't tell us who, Mars. We're no further than we were last week." "I'm sure you can solve this." "Like I did the video game?" Both Senshi's communicators chirped in unison. Mercury used her computer to answer the call. Mars joined Mercury to see who was trying to reach them. ~You're both there?~ Minako asked. ~Good. Mako-chan and I are at the park. How soon can you get here?~ Mars and Mercury exchanged looks. "More trouble?" Mercury asked. ~No, well, not anymore. It'll be easier to explain to you in person.~ "If Mercury is finished here . . . ?" Mars said. "I've done all that I can here. We'll be right there. Mercury out." Mercury closed her computer, breaking the connection. Both Senshi transformed back to their normal clothes and left the ruins of the arcade. After a brisk, but silent, walk, the girls reached the park. Both Minako and Makoto were waiting at the entrance. Several dazed people, couples, stumbled out of the park. "What happened?" Rei asked, watching the couples leave. "Minako-chan?" "Whatever you're thinking, Rei-chan, I had nothing to do with this," Minako said. "What happened?" Ami asked. "We don't know." "It looks like a shadow attacked but someone or something stopped it," Minako added. "Another shadow attack?" Rei said. "How long ago?" Ami asked. "I don't know," Makoto answered. "Maybe about the time we were fighting the other shadow?" "Two shadow attacks the same night? That's not normal. Not if they weren't working together," Rei remarked. "What stopped the shadow?" "No-one knows," Makoto said. "No-one can remember. Some think they saw Emiko-chan, the singer, others say a huge Amazon helped them." "Another mystery," Ami muttered. Louder, she said, "I'll get some scans, for what good it'll do." She disappeared into the park. Minako and Makoto watched the blue-haired girl leave. "What's wrong with Ami-chan?" Minako asked. Rei sighed. "She's upset with herself about the video game. Ami's blaming herself for releasing the shadow." "She shouldn't be worrying about that," Makoto said. "Ami-chan did her best." "Ami doesn't see it that way," Rei said. "She didn't figure out the game in time, so she thinks she failed. I hope she can get past it. We really need her." -**- A snuffling An greeted Usagi at the door. An's cheeks were tear-streaked, and her eyes red from crying. A fresh set of tears started flowing when An saw Usagi. Usagi took An in her arms, and lead her back inside. "It's going to be alright, An-chan," Usagi soothed as she helped her friend sit. "Everything was going so well between Jiri and me," An said, her voice breaking. "You saw, right? We were happy together, right?" "You were happy." "So what happened, Usagi-chan? Why did we start fighting?" "I don't know, An-chan. I thought things were going well for you two, also. I saw you two acting oddly a few days ago and kept meaning to ask. I should've asked sooner." "I can't remember why, Usagi-chan. Jiri and I just started arguing for no reason. I can't remember the fights or school the last few days, or anything else until tonight." "It'll be okay, An-chan. If you've forgotten the fighting, then Jiri-kun will, too. Talk to him at school Monday. Everything will be okay." -**- Ami finished her scans, then put her computer away. She knelt beside a pile of ash and picked up a handful. Rei and Makoto knelt down beside her. "It was a shadow." Ami let the ashes fall through her fingers. "Who destroyed it?" Makoto asked. "I don't know," Ami snapped. "Ami . . . " Rei started. "Don't start, Rei-chan," Ami said. "The girl genius can't answer a simple question." "Ami-chan, as smart as you are, there are things you just can't know," Makoto said. "That's easy for you to say." "What's that supposed to mean?" Tears welled in Makoto's eyes. "Guys, please don't fight," Rei pleaded. "Not now. Ami, we have faith in you. You know that. I'm sure that you can solve this, given time." "Just like the video game?" Ami said. "Ami-chan, how were you supposed to know that it would release a shadow?" Makoto asked. "I should have expected it." "We should all just go home and get some rest," Rei suggested. "Ami, I'm sure you'll find out what happened to the shadow. You're just tired." "You may be right, Rei-chan," Ami said. "I'll see all of you tomorrow, then?" -**- Usagi returned home and went straight to her room. Ginny was fast asleep on the spare bed, snoring lightly. Usagi let out a sigh of relief - the American was safe after the night's shadow attack. Now it was An who had Usagi worried. Something happened to her and Jiri. Worse, Usagi never noticed until it too late. She felt she was spending too much time trying to find Muerte. "Selina?" Usagi said softly. "What is it, Princess?" the cat answered. "Do you think that I'm really cut out to be a leader?" "You are the Crystal Princess," Selina said, as if that answered Usagi's question. Usagi sighed and laid back on her bed. -**- The next morning, Ami woke up after a restless sleep. None of her friends understood why she was upset and her failure chased her in her dreams. She had to make up for her failure with the video game. People, her friends, could have been killed because she didn't discover the trap in time. Ami mader herself a light breakfast, then went straight to work on her computer. She had to find out who the other Senshi were, and for who they were working. Ami didn't want to jeopardize her friends again. A graph on her screen caught Ami's attention. She had somehow pressed the wrong key, but maybe it hadn't been a mistake. The graph compared several of the energy signatures. Ami rubbed her yes. She definitely wanted a second opinion of the results. She couldn't trust herself, not alone, not after the video game. One name came to mind: Hologram. Her e-mail correspondant, Hologram was the only person she could trust with the information to do a proper analysis. When Ami went to send the data, she found that Hologram had been trying to reach her. 'Have I been that busy,' Ami wondered. 'How could I forget Hologram?' She sent a reply to his e-mail, then sent her data. That left her the hardest part - waiting. -**- "Guerre, I am getting tired of your setbacks," Muerte said. She stood up from her throne and walked over to Guerre. "Your last attempt failed, and the Senshi were nowhere near the park." Muerte looked Guerre in the eye. "Do you have an explanation?" "None, Lady," Guerre said. "The human's news isn't sure of what happened, either." "Enough! The final plan goes into effect. Assemble the Shadow Army tomorrow, prepared." -**- Monday morning, Usagi arrived at school just before the first bell. Worried about what may have happened to An, Usagi wasn't able to sleep well overnight, She ran up to her homeroom. Fortunately, Meiou-sensei hadn't arrived yet. An was looking better than she did Saturday night. She still wasn't with Jiri, though. Usagi was relieved when An and Jiri tried to catch each other's eyes, and succeeded. Something about the room seemed wrong to Usagi. She looked around the classroom. Seishin'no-chan was early, already seated when Usagi entered the room. 'You know you're late when Seishin'no-chan arrives before you,' she thought. 'Seishin'no-chan early. What's next, Ami-chan failing a course?' -**- At lunch, Usagi met her friends outside. Ami was busy entering something on her mini-computer. Minako and Makoto were chatting and comparing class notes. Usagi sat down with her firends. "Hey guys," she said. "What's new?" "You've heard about the park, right?" Minako said. "It's all so sad, all those couples fighting," Makoto added. "I know, Mako-chan. An and Jiri-kun were there. What happened?" Usagi asked. "No-one knows, Usagi-chan," Minako said. "Everyone has a different story. One has ten Sailor Senshi showing up to defeat thousands of shadows." "Inoue-kun said he saw only one Senshi there," Makoto said. "Inoue-kun?" Usagi asked. "He was the one who went out with Gin'no-chan?" Ami fumbled with her computer. "He was," she said coldly. "I don't see what Mouse-kun has to do with any of this." "I heard that Inoue-kun was at the park," Minako said. "That means Gin'no-chan was there, too." "People are saying a lot of things," Usagi said. "Has Inoue-kun said her was there?" "Nomura-kun said he talked to Inoue-kun," Makoto said. "We're not going to find out from rumours. Someone will have to ask him," Usagi said. "I'll talk to him," Ami said. "*I'll* talk to him," Minako said. "Ami-chan, you're still upset about Gin'no-chan getting a date before you." Ami flushed. "You just want to know why he went out with Mouse-kun instead of you," she retorted. "Ami-chan, let Minako-chan try," Usagi said. "You're too upset to think straight." "Usagi-chan!" Ami sounded betrayed. "No, you're right." Usagi breathed a silent sigh of relief. "Thanks, Ami-chan." "Have you talked to Ginny-chan yet?" Makoto asked. "Not yet. She was asleep when I got home, and she was out all yesterday." "I could always talk to Mouse-kun," Ami offered. "We want to ask her questions, not grill her like a murder suspect," Minako said. "Can we save the arguing for after school?" Usagi asked. "Ami-chan, have you anything else?" "I do. I finished analyzing the energy patterns from the game and from the shadow's remains from the park. I've isolated ours and found three more patterns. One of thise three is responsible for destroying the shadow in the park." "So there was a Senshi there last Saturday?" Makoto asked. "Apparently," Ami continued. "I've discovered a few more things. Those three energy patterns are similar to some of ours. One is similar to yours, Makoto. There's one similar to Mars's pattern. And the one from the park is similar to Minako's." "What do you mean by similar, Ami-chan?" Usagi asked. "I can't explain it well," Ami said. "I'm using technology to explain magic. Rei-chan can explain this better. I analyzed the different waveforms, trying to find the differences. Each of our own energy patterns are at different frequencies, with some minor differences on the shape of the wave. Follow so far?" Makoto scratched her head. "This has to do with physics, right?" "Sorry, Mako-chan." Ami quickly drew two waves side by side in the dirt with one wave more close together than the other. "See how one wave has more peaks than the other? That one has a higher frequency." "Ah, okay." "Just nod, Mako-chan," Minako said. "The actual frequency of our powers isn't important right now, other than it is the main difference between them, at least for my computer," Ami said. "The other three patterns have the same frequency as Rei-chan's, Mako-chan's, and Minako-chan's." "Then how could you tell them apart?" Usagi asked. "The shape of the waves and the harmonic frequencies, mainly. I had Hologram - " "Hologram?" Makoto asked. "You're still talking to him?" "And you were jealous of Gin'no-chan," Minako teased. Ami turned red. "Yes, Hologram. May I continue?" "Sure, Ami-chan," Minako said. "We're not going to stop you from e-mailing him." Ami's blush grew deeper. She struggled to get back to what she was saying. "Hologram verified my analysis, and his results agree with mine. I can't say for certain, but the two remaining Mystery Senshi's energy pattern should match both Usagi's and mine." "Should," Usagi repeated. "If we did have to fight them, could we beat them?" "Usagi-chan? Makoto said. "In case they're working for Muerte or someone else. I don't want to have to fight them as well as Muerte, but I want to be ready." Usagi sat down heavily. "Listen to me. I'm sixteen; I shouldn't be talking like this. We have to stop Muerte and soon." "Everything will be alright, Usagi-chan," Minako said. "Why don't we meet at Rei's temple after school, so we can work out some sort of plan?" The other girls agreed to meet, then broke up, following their own interests. Minako returned inside the school to look for Inoue-kun. She was ready to turn on her charm to get all he knew about Sailor Draco. Minako found him in the cafeteria. For some reason, he was eating alone. 'Perfect,' Minako thought, approaching Eiji. She sat beside him. "Hi, Inoue-kun," she said. "Mind if I sit here?" "Aino-chan, hi. Sure." "Please, call me Minako." "Minako-chan," Inoue-kun said. "Eiji-kun." Minako smiled. "Eiji-kun, you've heard about what happened at the park?" Eiji repressed a sigh. "One of those shadow things was there." "You saw it?" "It attacked Arimi-chan and me." "How horrible." Minako touched Eiji's arm lightly. "How did you escape?" "We didn't. The shadow thing knocked me out. Last thing I heard was Arimi-chan calling my name." "How did she get away?" "A Sailor Senshi showed up. I don't know how she knew we were in trouble. Magic, I guess." Eiji shrugged. "I woke up with her beside me. I'd never seen anyone so beautiful. Arimi-chan called her Sailor Draco." "Gin'no-chan was there, too?" "Arimi-chan got away somehow. She was waiting for me at the park's entrance. She said that Sailor Draco rescued her." "You were lucky," Minako remarked. "The Sailor Senshi also were at the Crown Arcade." "I heard about that. I think I saw something about that on TV. Sailor Draco wasn't shown. Odd, huh?" "Yeah, odd." Eiji waved to someone across the room. "I have to go. Arimi-chan's over there. See ya, Minako-chan." Minako looked over and saw the shy, silver-haired girl at the door. She smiled at Gin'no-chan. "Bye, Eiji-kun." 'So much for finding out why he asked her out,' she thought as she watched Eiji join Gin'no-chan. -**- Guerre entered Muerte's command room. "Your Shadow Army is ready, my Lady. We await your orders." "Good. Assemble them in the main hall." -**- Minako was the last to arrive at Rei's temple. Her friends were waiting in Rei's room, with Usagi and Rei bickering good-naturedly and Ami trying to help Makoto with her physics homework. "You're late," Ami said without looking up. "Sorry," Minako said. "I talked to Inoue-kun today." "So why did he ask Mouse-kun out?" "Ami-chan!" Usagi adminished. "Sorry." "We talked about what happened at the park. He was there with Gin'no-chan." "What did he say?" Makoto asked. "He didn't see much. There was a shadow, and he said he saw a Senshi - Sailor Draco." "Draco?" Rei repeated. "That's not a planet," Makoto said. "We know two names now - Draco and Pluto," Ami said. "It doesn't sound right," Rei said. "That's the name Inoue-kun told me," Minako said. "He found out from Gin'no-chan." "Mouse-kun again?" "Ami-chan, you still can't be - " Rei started. "Don't you think it's suspicious that Mou- that Gin'no-chan knows the names of two of the mysterious Senshi?" "You mean . . . ?" Minako prompted. "She might know them, somehow." "I'll talk to Ginny-chan tonight," Usagi said. "I'll wake her up if I have to. We have to find out whose side they're on." "That reminds me," Ami said. "Rei-chan, have you looked at those waveforms?" "For what good it did," Rei said. "You can see the similar waveforms. I labelled which ones are ours. What more do you need?" "It's not that simple, Ami. I have to see the Senshi use their powers." "But the frequencies - " "They don't matter to me." "What if Ami-chan is on to something?" Usagi asked. "I mean, what if the frequencies mean that two Senshi have similar powers?" "Like whoever has the same frequency as me as the same powers as me?" Minako asked. "Not the exact same," Ami said. "I get it now," Rei said. "About time," Usagi needled. "Oh, like you could figure it out on your own, Usagi." "Please, Rei-chan," Makoto said. "How does it work out?" "If the same frequency means similar powers, then whoever has my frequency also has fire powers, and whoever has Makoto's frequency has her powers." "That's what Ami-chan said already," Usagi said. "But that will help us win if we have to fight them," Rei said. "Ami should be able to defeat this Draco. Draco might be able to beat Minako, though, if the Mystery Senshi figure this out." "Why, Rei-chan?" Ami asked. "Our powers are based on the elements. Not the ones from science class, but Fire, Water, Metal, Earth, and Wood. Since Metal is vulnerable to Water, Ami should be able to defeat Draco. On the other hand, Wood is vulnerable to Metal, so Draco could defeat Minako. It's not certain, though." "By that reasoning, I should be win if Mako-chan and I fought," Minako said. She looked at the taller girl. "There's no way in a fair fight I could do that." "That's why I said it's not certain," Rei said. "Power against power, what I said should happen." "Can't you be certain, Rei-chan?" Usagi asked. "How? We haven't seen any of them. The only way to know is to fight them." "Rei-chan, you said something about Draco not sounding right?" Makoto said. "That's the name Inoue-kun told me," Minako said. "Draco isn't a planet, like Mako-chan said," Ami added. "Exactly," Rei said. "The Moon isn't a planet either," Minako pointed out. "I'm still trying to figure that out." "It sounds better than 'Sailor Earth'," Usagi said. "What's so special about Draco?" "Draco is a constellation," Ami explained. "It's visible for most of the year." "Someone ran out of planet names" Minako said. "I don't know," Ami admitted. "Pluto is the outermost planet of the Solar System, but we haven't even heard of a Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, or a Sailor Neptune." "Do you think Muerte already killed them?" Makoto asked. "The planet Pluto is named after the god of the underworld," Rei said. "She may be working for Muerte, despite looking like a Senshi." "This isn't getting us anywhere," Usagi said. "We'll worry about Sailor Pluto and her Senshi when we need to, *if* we need to. Muerte has to be our top concern." -**- Muerte reviewed her Shadow Army. Throngs of shadows writhed impatiently. Guerre marched up the stpes and knelt before Muerte. "We await your order, Lady Muerte," he said. "In good time, Guerre," Muerte said. "Let the Sailor Senshi fall asleep first. We want them apart." "Of course, my liege." "Send the shadows out after dark, but they are not to do anything beyond frightening the people of Tokyo without my expressed order. If the Senshi do notice them, the shadows are to keep them busy. -**- Usagi brooded on her walk home. 'I hate this,' she thought. 'This isn't how my school year was supposed to go. I wanted to do well in class, spend time with An and Yumi, and find a boyfriend, not save the world or become a princess.' She sighed. 'Some saviour I turned out to be. I couldn't help An-chan when she needed it. How did Queen Serenity and her daughter cope with the responsibility? I'll bet they never felt like crying at night.' Usagi stepped into her yard. 'I'm losing track of what my friends are doing. Even Ginny-chan is getting out more than me.' She entered her home and switched from her shoes to slippers. She noticed that Ginny's shoes were also in the front closet. 'At least I can talk to Ginny-chan tonight. She's one of the few people who can talk to Mou- to Gin'no-chan.' Usagi smiled to herself. 'Now Ami-chan has me thinking of Gin'no-chan as a mouse. I'll have to talk to Ami-chan.' "Usagi!" her mother called. "Dinner will be ready soon. Ginny-chan's in the tub right now; could you tell her that for me?" "I'll wake her up," Usagi called back. She walked upstairs to her room. Dropping her books on her desk, she startled Selina. The cat glared at the disturbance, then stretched. "Out for more fun and games?" Selina asked. "I was with the others, trying to figure out where Muerte will appear again," Usagi answered. She started to change out of her school uniform. "We have no idea where to start." "She's after you." "I know," Usagio snapped. "You keep telling me. She just doesn't know who I am. It won't be much longer before someone finds out I'm Sailor Moon, not the way shadows keep appearing." "Then maybe you should draw out Muerte," the cat suggested. "I'm not going to be bait, thank you very much." Usagi finished dressing, then smoothed out her skirt. "Besides, there are a few things I want to check on before I do that. I'll bring your dinner up after I eat. "Not cat food again? I would love to have some lobster." "Mom doesn't even make that for us. I'll save something from my dinner." "Thank you, Usagi-chan." Usagi let selina go back to sleep in the window sill, then walked to the bathroom. She knocked softly on the door. "Ginny-chan?" she asked softly. "I'm up, Usagi-chan," Ginny called back sleepily. "Mom says that dinner will be ready soo." "Thanks." "Ginny-chan?" "I'm getting out, Usagi-chan." Usagi heard the tub draining. "It's not that. I just want to talk to you when you come out." "Just let me get dressed, okay?" Usagi walked back to the stairs and sat on the top step. She held her knees close to her chest as she waited for her roommate. Ginny soon came out of the bathroom and joined her. "What's wrong, Usagi-chan?" Ginny asked. "Nothing," Usagi said. "I was wondering if you could ask Gin'no-chan a few questions. Nothing personal, just about some Sailor Senshi." "Gin'no-chan? Which Senshi?" Ginny puzzlement appeared on her face. "Sailor Pluto and Sailor Draco. Rei-chan said that Gin'no-chan knew about Pluto in the video game, and Inoue-kun said that she also knew Sailor Draco's name from the park." "I - I'll ask her. Don't the Sailor Senshi always introduce themselves? Arimi-chan may have heard them and she has a great memory." "Thanks. How did her date go?" "She won't say, but she blushes when anyone mentions it. She looks happier, though." "That's good." An awkward silence fell on the two girls. "Ginny-chan, I'd like to apologize for how I treated you when you first arrived," Usagi said, breaking the silence. "It's okay," Ginny said. "I shouldn't have treated you the way I did." "It's not your fault. Someone decided to use me against the Sailor Senshi. If it wasn't for Sailor Moon, people would still think that I was involved with those shadows." "Still, I am sorry." Usagi's mother interrupted the girls, calling them for dinner. Usagi and Ginny dashed down the stairs. -**- Muerte watched as her army of shadows left, slowly spreading out over Tokyo. She allowed herself a smile as she ran her finger along her scar. 'Soon, Sailor Moon, you shall pay,' she promised. -**- Usagi and Ginny took their desserts into the living room. Usagi turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels, trying to find something to watch. She stopped at a cartoon that had Ginny laughing quietly. "What's so funny about this one?" Usagi asked as she watched two women argue in front of some sort of pod on the television. "This is Arimi-chan's favourite show," Ginny explained. "Her room is full of posters and other stuff from this show." "Gin'no-chan watches this? *Why*?" "I don't understand either. MAybe she likes giant robots?" "I guess. Not my style." "Not mine, either. Anything else on?" Usagi continued flipping through the channels. She stopped at a news broadcast. Turning up the volume, she leaned closer to the TV. The reporter was a woman who looked like she had just run to the location. Behind her, the forms of several shadows danced between buildings and cars, frightening anyone around. " . . . many more reports of similar incidents are coming in fromm all around the city," the reporter said. "Creatures such as the ones behind me are causing panic. Police are advising everyone to stay away from the downtown core if at all possible, and ask that anyone already downtown to stay inside." The picture switched to the station's news studio. "Thank you, Takeuchi-san. We will be keeping you up to date on further developments live as they occur. We return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress." "Ginny-chan, I think Selina might still be outside," Usagi said. "I'm going to look for her, in case any of those things are around here." "Okay, Usagi-chan." Ginny seemed distracted, but Usagi didn't have time to find out why. Instead, Usagi slipped her shoes on and ran outside. She called Selina's name a few times then ducked behind a bush. Pulling out her communicator, she called the other Senshi. "Guys, did you see the news?" Usagi asked when everyone had joined in. ~ I was about to call, ~ Minako said. ~ There's no way we can get to all of them, ~ Ami said. ~ All those poor people, ~ Makoto sobbed. "Mako-chan, now is not the time to cry," Usagi said. ~ I can't help it. ~ ~ Ami-chan is right, ~ Minako said. ~ We can't get to all of them, not together. We'll have to split up. ~ "Is that safe?" Usagi asked. ~ The shadows aren't doing anything except terrorizing people, ~ Ami said. ~ It could be a trap, ~ Minako pointed out. "We can't just do nothing. Muerte could be launching another attack." ~ But the shadows could be waiting for us, ~ Makoto said, snuffling. "If they don't find us, they could do more than scare people. We have to risk it. We'll work our way to the school. Okay?" ~ I'll see you there, ~ Minako said. ~ Please be there, Usagi-chan, ~ Makoto pleaded. ~ Okay, Usagi-chan, ~ Ami said. Usagi waited. "Rei-chan? Rei-chan, are you still there?" ~ I'm here, Usagi, ~ Rei answered. ~ I'm a bit busy here. ~ "Busy? Rei-chan, now isn't the time for homework." ~ There are shadows here at the temple. ~ "Oh. Do you want us to get you?" ~ I'll take care of them. ~ ~ Call if you need help, ~ Minako said. ~ I will. We're meeting a Juuban? ~ "We are," Usagi said. "We'll wait for you for a few minutes, then come after you if you're still not there." -**- "Just don't do anything foolish, Usagi," Rei said. ~ Be careful, Rei-chan, ~ Usagi said. Rei turned off the communicator. She hoped that the others couldn't see through her bravado. There were too many shadows outside for her liking, but she didn't want her friends risking themselves for her. Another hiss came from the walls. Her grandfather's wards were keeping the shadows from coming inside, but Rei knew that she couldn't stay inside much longer. Rei crept carefully down to the sacred flame. Her grandfather was still inside, meditating. 'How can he remain so calm?' Rei wondered. She started to creep away, but stopped when she heard her grandfather's voice. "Rei," he said, halting her in her tracks. "Yes, Grandpa?" Rei asked. "Be careful." 'Does he know . . . ?' "Of course, Grnadpa. You be careful, too." Rei entered the shrine. The banging on the temple's walls and roof grew worse. Rei looked around, making sure she was alone. "Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" -**- "Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!" Sailor Mercury stood ready against the onrushing shadows. She tapped an earring, bringing up her visor. The trajectories of the shadows appeared in her visor. Mercury smiled. 'That's it, keep moving just as you are . . . .' "Aqua Mirage!" Shadow after shadow was overwhelmed as the wave of water crashed through them. Mercury looked over the survivng shadows as they spread themselves apart. Seeing her chance, Mercury ran through the gap the shadows created. Mercury looked over her shoulder. The shadows were still regrouping; some were starting to pursue her. The Sailor Senshi considered her options. Destroying the shadows should be easy, but would delay her. Running, there were few people, let alone shadows as fast as Mercury. It galled her to just run away, but she would be better able to fight back with her friends. -**- 'My friends need me,' Jupoter kept telling herself. 'Sorry Ken, but the best way for me to protect you is to leave you.' She felt tears come to her eyes, and blinked to clear them. 'Not now, Makoto,' she told herself. 'Cry later.' Jupiter rounded the corner and stopped short. Shadows swarmed over the block, strafing past windows and terrorizing the people inside. Jupiter ducked back around the corner. 'They can't be waiting for me. How could they know?' Psyching herself up, she charged around the corner again. "I, Sailor Jupiter, won't let you frighten any more people," she announced. "Oak Evolution!" Bolts of lightning flew, striking shadow after shadow after shadow. the remaining shadows turned to see their assailant. One by one, they advanced on Sailor Jupiter. -**- Sailor Venus looked around her. With a low wall at her back and shadows everywhere else, she frowned. There were more shadows than she expected. 'There better be a TV camera around,' she mused. "Love and Beauty Shock!" Venus yelled. She blew a spark of energy off her lips at the shadows in front of her. The shadows tried to escape, but their efforts were in vain. The energy kiss smashed through them, destroying the shadows. Vensu sent a second kiss to her left, and a third to her right. With the shadows is disarray, Venus vaulted over the wall. In the distance, she saw a bright glow. -**- Sailor Moon and Selina arrived at Juuban High School. At Selina's insistance, Moon avoided encounters with shadows. Unfortunately, shadows swarmed around the school. Moon stepped into the schoolyard, Selina following at her heel. "Sailor Moon, you can't go out there," Selina protested. "Muerte is looking for you." "The rest of the Senshi are coming," Moon explained. "They're going to run into those shadows with no warning. I can't let my friends do that." Selina stepped back. "Be careful, Princess." "I will, Selina." Moon stepped away from the wall's shadow. "I am Sailor Moon," she announced to the shadows. "For causing such terrible damage and for terrifying the people of Tokyo, in the name of the moon, I will punish you!" The shadows turned their attention to Sailor Moon. Alone and in pairs, they swopped towards her. Moon held up her crystal. "Moonlight gentle Kiss!" she called. The schoolyard lit up as bright as day. Rays of light shot from Sailor Moon's crystal. Shadows crumbled to dust as they were touched by the light. The surviving shadows regrouped behind the school, but Sailor Moon kept concetrating on her crystal. She felt persperartion roll off her brow and down the sides of her face. The shadows again tried to charge Sailor Moon. Despite the effort, she kept the crystal glowing as bright as she could. Blinded, Moon could not see the effect she had on the shadows. "Sailor Moon, they're gone." "Venus?" Moon asked, letting her arms fall to her sides. She blinked away the spots in front of her eyes. "It's me," Sailor Venus confirmed. "Impressive light show. You got most of the shadows. The rest flew off." "Thanks. We'll have to get moving. Those shadows will be back." "Have you seen the others?" "I just got here, too. I still haven't heard from Rei-chan again." "She'll get here," Venus said. "Sailor Moon!" Mercury called. She ran to join Moon and Venus. "You're safe. I saw your light from several blocks away." "I thought you would have been here already," Moon said. "There were too many shadows along the way. Venus, how many did you see?" "Lots, but I was too busy to count them," Venus said. "It looks like all of Muerte's shadows are out tonight." "Great," Moon groaned. "Have either of you seen Jupiter or Mars?" Mercury and Venus shook their heads. "Rei-chan could still be at the temple," Mercury said. "We can't leave until Jupiter gets here," Venus said. "We can't all night, either," Moon said. "Let's give her a few more minutes, then we'll leave a note or something for her." "We might not have to wait," Mercury said. She pointed at the schools main entrance. Sailor Jupiter ran at top speed, trying to outrun the shadows chasing her. "Mercury, Venus, do something about those shadows," Moon ordered. "Mercury and Venus stepped away from each other, giving the other space to move. The shadows were slowly catching up to Jupiter. Mercury nodded to Venus. "Aqua Mirage!" Mercury called. "Love and Beauty Shock!" Venus yelled. Between the two attacks, the shadows had no place to dodge and were destroyed. Jupiter kept running until she reached her friends. She hugged Sailor Moon, then pulled Venus and Mercury into the embrace. "You're safe," Jupiter said, puffing. "I was worred about you." Mercury pulled away from the group hug. "We were worried about you, too," she said. I think a couple of those shadows got away," Venus said. "They'll be back with friends soon." "We'll go get Rei-chan, then figure out what we're doing," Moon decided. -**- Cracks appeared in the outer walls of the temple. Mars fanned out several ofuda in her hand, and watched the wall. The cracks grew, covering the wall. Debris crumbled from the wall, falling noisily to the ground. "Rin, pyou, tou . . ." Mars intoned, concentrating. More debris fell from the wall, in larger and larger chunks. Wind whistled through the cracks. A small hole appeared, only to be covered by darkness. ". . . shai, kai, jin . . ." The hole grew as shadows tore chunks from the wall to widen it. One pushed its arm completely throught the hole. ". . . retsu, sai, zen . . ." A portion of the temple wll collapsed, sending dust into the air. One shadow picked its way through the rubble. It entered the temple. "Akuryou taisan!" Mars threw an ofuda at the shadow, freezing it in place just inside the temple. A second ofuda stopped a shadows as it came through the ruined wall. Mars glowered at the frozen shadows. "You've put my family in danger. I won't forgive you," she said. "Flame Sniper!" The firey arrow engulfed both trapped shadows, reducing them to cinders. With the hole cleared, the shadows outside started struggling to go through first. The hole grew, allowing three more shadows to enter the temple. Mars destroyed the firt three, then the next, but soon found herself pushed further and further back. 'I can't let them get to Grandpa,' Mars told herself. She let loose another fire arrow, incinerating several more shadows. 'There's too many of them. I can't stop them all.' She gritteed her teeth, and made herself for one last stand against the shadows. A spark of light appeared behind the shadows, The light grew brighter, forcing Mars to shade her eyes. Shadows disintegrated when the light touched them. When the last shadow crumbled to dust, the light faded. Mars blinked several times to adjust her eyes. Four figures approached her. "Sailor Mars, are you okay?" she heard Sailor Moon ask. Mars blinked on last time, and was able to see her friends in front of her. "You came!" she exclaimed. "Of course we came," Moon said. "I told you we would." "We can't stay here," Venus said. "Some escaped us." "I can't leave Grandpa here if the shadows come back." -**- Guerre approached Muerte carefully. He wasn't sure how she would take his news. He coughed gently to get her attention. "Lady Muerte, I have some news about the Sailor Senshi," he started. "What about them, Guerre?" Muerte demanded. "Shadows are reporting that they are engaging the Senshi." "Engaging, Guerre? My orders were that the shadows were to keep the Senshi busy." "The Senshi weren't informed of your orders, Lady." Muerte ignored the sarcasm. "Were the Senshi together or apart?" "Apart, for now. Two joined forces at a school in the Juuban prefecture." "Keep me informed of the Senshi's whereabouts," Muerte ordered. "We may need to lead them into a trap." "By your command." Guerre bowed, then left the room. -**- "That's your idea?" Mars exclaimed. "Princess, it's too dangerous," Selina added. "The shadows are looking for me," Moon explained. "What better way to draw them away from the temple than to have them chase me?" "And if the shadows catch you?" Mars asked. "I'll try to not let that happen. Besides, all of you will be with me." "Where are we going to lead the shadows?" Mercury asked. Moon stopped. "Where?" "You haven't figured that you yet?" Mars said. "It's your grandfather I'm luring the shadows away from," Moon retorted. "We can't just lead them around the city. What if we find more innocent bystanders." "We need to find someplace deserted," Venus said. "Any ideas?" "The school?" Jupiter suggested. "We've been there already," Mercury said. "The shadows might think it's an old report." "So where do we take the shadows?" Moon asked. "It's Monday night, what else would be closed or deserted, other than the school?" Jupiter asked. "Office buildings?" Venus suggested. "Not downtown - too many people around before we get to an empty building." "There's an abandoned factory not far from here," Mars said. -**- "Lady Muerte, I have a report," Guerre said. Muerte looked up from her mirror. "Proceed." "Five Senshi have teamed up. No other Senshi have been sighted since." "Just five, Guerre?" "Just five, Lady Muerte. No shadow has been able to get any name, though I am sure one of the Senshi is the Crystal Princess." "Where are the Senshi?" "Reports have them at different places - a temple, a park, several different streets. It looks like the Senshi are trying to draw your army away from the people." "That's not good news, Guerre," Muerte said, standing up. "Take some shadows and keep hounding the Senshi. Keep them busy." "Yes, Lady Muerte. What will you be doing in the meantime?" "Setting a trap." -**- "How much farther, Mars?" Sailor Moon asked. "I'm sure we're near it," Mars answered. "Not much further." "You said that ten blocks ago." "We're closer now than we were then." "Do you even know where you're going?" "Why do you have to be so mean to me?" "Would you two stop it?" Mercury said. "We still have shadows following us." "Why haven't they attacked?" Jupiter wondered. "They should have attacked by now." "Guys!" Venus called, stopping. "Over here!" The other Senshi gathered around her at an electronics store. Several TVs were on, displaying only static. Slowly, the image of a woman with light green hair and a scar on her cheek replaced the static. ~ Attention, Sailor Senshi, ~ the woman said. ~ Congratulations on surviving this long, but your time is over. Just as I have taken over Tokyo's broadcasts, I will take over the world. There is nothing you can do. ~ The image faded back into static. "Do you think that was Muerte?" Mars asked. "Who else would it be?" Moon snapped back. "We have to find her." "Easy for you to say. Where do we start?" "She has to be at a TV station," Venus said. "We just go to the channel she was on." Jupiter pointed at the TVs. "They're all on different channels." Mercury snapped her fingers. "Tokyo Tower! It's the only place in the city she could be. It has the equipment she needs for her broadcast." "It's as good as any place to start," Moon said. "Let's go." The Senshi started running, going back the way they came. All of them, even Sailor Mercury were panting from the exertion. Block after block they ran, keeping an eye out for shadows following them. In the distance, they could see the Tokyo Tower, looming in the sky. A black form suddenly blotted out the Tower. The Senshi came to a stop. "Moon! Look out!" Mars called. "Spread out!" Venus yelled. The shadow raised its arms. The Senshi fell back, trying to defend themselves. The shadow approached Sailor Moon. Exhasuted from her run, Moon tried to lift up her crystal. She tried to catch her breath, to try to call out. Suddenly, the shadow turned to dust. A pink rose struck the pavement in front of Sailor Moon. She looked up. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama!" she exclaimed. Standing on top of a lamppost, wearing a white tuxedo and top hat was Tuxedo Kamen. Leaping down from the lamppost, Tuxedo Kamen landed beside Sailor Moon. "Thank you, Tuxedo Kamen-sama," Moon said. "We have to get to the Tower. Muerte is there - she's attacking the city. Will you help us?" Tuxedo Kamen smiled slightly, then tipped his top hat. "Thank you," Moon said, smiling brightly. The Senshi began running again, taking as direct a route as they could to get to the Tokyo Tower. Arriving, they saw hundreds of writhing shadows swarming around the Tower, obscuring the moon's light. As they caught their breaths, the Senshi surveyed the area. Other than the shadows overhead, they could see no-one else. "I don't like this," Venus said. "Where's Muerte?" "Where are the shadows after us?" Mercury added. "Can't you be happy that we weren't attacked?" Mars asked. "I think I hear footsteps," Jupiter said. She cocked an ear. "On the other side of the Tower." "Could it be a trap?" Mars asked. "Muerte wants to hold the tea ceremony with us," Moon answered. "Of course it's a trap. Jupiter, are the footsteps getting any closer?" "Sounds like they're going around the Tower," Jupiter answered. "We'll take a shortcut, then. We'll go under the Tower and surprise Muerte and her shadows." Sailor Moon led the Senshi, racing past the Tower's supports. She saw figures running in the gloom and made a beeline towards them. The Senshi burst from the Tower's darkness in front of the figures. Sailor Moon gasped. The figures were four girls roughly her own age and a much older woman, all five wearing Senshi uniforms. One of the girls carried a staff, as did the woman. "I am Sailor Moon," Moon announced. To her surprise, the four girls smiled. The woman walked up to her. Moon could hear her friends and Tuxedo Kamen to move to protect her. It wasn't needed; the woman dropped to one knee in front of Moon. "Princess," the woman said, "I've finally found you. Please forgive my dereliction in duty." To be continued... Coming Soon: "Muerte has escaped into the past. We Senshi must follow her and stop her, but who are we really? Next, in Sailor Moon: Generation Gap Chapter 9 - " In the next Sailor Moon: Generation Gap Side Story, the Stellar Senshi are desperately searching for the Crystal Princess. How do they find her? Sailor Moon: Generation Gap Side Story 8 <title>